Example sentences of "but let [pron] say " in BNC.

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1 Well yes , but let me say that I gave up going to auditions well before I became well known through The History Man , on television .
2 But let me say here that that was just how it looked to me at the time ; that there was a nice logic to it , that Boy 's beginning matched O 's ending , that Boy 's first night was O's last , or it certainly would have been his last if Boy had not fallen into his arms .
3 But let me say immediately I do not have Miss Kenton in mind at all when I say this .
4 But let me say that 's not my intention .
5 But let me say that in saying that I 'm a boilermaker , I have always been , I am now , and I will always be proud to say that I 'm a boilermaker .
6 Perhaps I should start by telling you something I 'll not be talking about and that is the subject of financial resources and how Lynda 's getting on in her discussions with chief secretary , I do n't suppose that comes to you as any surprise but I shall I not be talking on that but let me say that we remain committed strongly to a substantial aid programme which as far as possible is directed towards the poorest countries .
7 If the Chief those to also want to improve passenger comfort but let me say in spite of all this er th th th the customer still favour and that is why we will be supporting the Labour resolution because it is about the state of it is about yes to keep our eyes and sort of providing a whole range of integrated public transport that goes along in parallel with that same .
8 But let me say that I think it 's not in principle difficult .
9 Pesh Framjee of Binder Hamlyn 's Charities Unit agrees that fund managers are making a song and dance about the changes , ‘ but let us say there is no smoke without fire and a lot of wet leaves going round ’ .
10 This already poses problems , but let us say , for the sake of argument , that it is equivalent to place .
11 But let us say you are correct and Waldegrave is standing in the stable .
12 But let us say that this is not the case and you are off on your own .
13 Now it was a rule and the custom at the time that any of the staff could impose a fine on the spot and in this circumstance Fagan imposed a fine of 10 " ackers " — that is 10 piastres , which I can not remember what the value was at the time , but let us say it was something in the order of 5 .
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