Example sentences of "but [noun prp] ignored [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I think I called a warring , but Ward ignored it .
2 Vulgrin 's castles still held out but Richard ignored them and turned against Viscount Aimar .
3 One of them bowed , a false smile on his face , but Alexei ignored him .
4 There was the harsh edge of authority in his deep voice now as he demanded an answer , but Fran ignored it .
5 He held his hand out to her , but Fran ignored it , brushing past him to head towards the door leading back from the deck .
6 There was a thread of anger in the question , but Fran ignored it , just as she forced herself to ignore the sudden surge of hope that filled her heart .
7 But Adam ignored her , glancing round at Fand , who approached now with the other Women .
8 The other girls looked at her with dislike but Paula ignored them .
9 The ban was not lifted till October 1646 , but Simpson ignored it .
10 A stream of foul language issued from the old woman 's lips , but Damien ignored her .
11 Owen called again but Yussuf ignored him .
12 The wheel rim screeched against the stone but Dougal ignored it .
13 Julie smiled at him but Nigger ignored him completely as he stuck his hand out to Yanto .
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