Example sentences of "on the first repetition " in BNC.

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1 A quick glance at the data reveals that very few subjects , particularly on the first repetition , were behaving in this fashion ; indeed , many subjects appeared to be behaving in a manner one might like to describe as myopic .
2 Our results suggest that most participants were fairly good at identifying ( i ) but rather poor at identifying ( ii ) , particularly on the first repetition .
3 We paid out a total of £1,322 to the subjects : £481 on the first repetition ( an average of £4.89 for each group subject and an average of £5.25 for each individual subject ) and £841 on the second repetition ( an average of £8.98 for each group subject and an average of £8.34 for each individual subject ) .
4 Inspection of the raw data reveals the primary reason : on the first repetition most subjects were ignoring most of the dynamic aspects of the decision problem , and their attempts at estimating the myopically optimal output were generally rather poor .
5 On the first repetition ( but excluding the final period , in which all except a very few sold their entire post-production stock ) subjects either sold all their stock ( 317 occasions ) or none of their stock ( 112 occasions ) on 429 occasions out of a possible 672 occasions ( 64 group subjects + 32 individual subjects all multiplied by seven periods ) .
6 The question as to whether behaviour was optimal can very quickly be dismissed , particularly on the first repetition .
7 But none of these made any difference to the basic shape of these key results : on the first repetition , t was not important but both and k were — and in the direction predicted by the theory ; on the second repetition , t was important ( and with the right sign ) , as were σ and k — but they both had the wrong sign ( the opposite of that predicted by the theory ) .
8 As can be seen , the sign on t is incorrect ( but the coefficient insignificantly different from zero ) on the first repetition but correct ( and significantly different from zero ) on the second .
9 – and k are correct ( but insignificantly different from zero ) on the first repetition , and are significantly different from zero but of the wrong sign on the second repetition .
10 So the results for the sales strategy are remarkably similar to the results for the output strategy : the subjects were not taking the time ( the period ) into account on the first repetition — as they should have been — but there were on the second repetition .
11 In contrast , they were responding correctly ( but insignificantly as far as the sales strategy was concerned ) to the two parameters σ and k on the first repetition , and were responding incorrectly ( but significantly ! ) to these parameters on the second repetition .
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