Example sentences of "he switched off [art] " in BNC.

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1 He switched off the torch .
2 Slipping the note and the feather into his pocket , he switched off the light and opened the door .
3 Resting his back against the tree , he switched off the flashlight and waited for his irises to expand before starting down the meadow .
4 ‘ We 're nicely tucked away here in case someone comes looking for us , ’ he remarked as he switched off the engine .
5 He switched off the light , and began to walk away .
6 He switched off the engine , then turned in the driving seat to face Vologsky .
7 With a very deliberate gesture , he switched off the recording system which taped all normal office conversations .
8 He switched off the engine .
9 He switched off the engine then reached into his pocket for his cigarettes and lit the third one since leaving the Windorah .
10 He switched off the intercom before she could reply and hurried back to where Philpott lay .
11 He switched off the radio and glanced at his watch .
12 Hugh drove neatly into the straw-covered shelter as though he were coming to rest in a multi-storey car park ; then he switched off the engine and opened his door .
13 He switched off the gas with a bad-tempered flourish , though his heart was n't in it .
14 After she had gone he switched off the gramophone , drained his drink in a single gulp , then stooped to pick up the offending telegraph message .
15 He switched off the flashlight as he came back around the dirt path .
16 He switched off the lights and opened the curtains ; the night was still as black as a stone .
17 He switched off the little girl on Terry Wogan and went to look for the Sturgeon .
18 He switched off the garage light .
19 He switched off the light and fell into an uneasy sleep troubled by dreams in which Gwen Evans , Sheila Lennox and Jenny Connon blended and merged into one .
20 He switched off the engine , cut the lights and lit a cigarette .
21 It caught on the second try , and after a minute 's revving he switched off the ignition and let it die .
22 He switched off the mauve light .
23 Luke was silent until he drew up outside an imposingly formal grey stone house , then as he switched off the ignition he said , in tones of mock-comfort , ‘ Brace up , Merrill .
24 He switched off the kitchen light on his way out .
25 The horseman was watching me , he switched off the radio and nudged his horse closer .
26 He switched off the lights and went out .
27 He switched off the engine and took the keys from the ignition .
28 What if he had n't left yet — she could ring him and tell him she 'd chickened out , and he could flap his wings and tease her but at least she would n't have to — oh , hell , here he is , she thought , and watched as the huge bike rolled to a halt and he switched off the engine and hauled it up on the stand .
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