Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [num ord] half " in BNC.

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1 Despite a good number of studies having been undertaken in the first half of the century it was not until the late 1950s that the particular decrements in performance of sleepy subjects were established .
2 It had been erected in the second half of the second century to house c number of specialist kilns and furnaces , but clearly overlay the remains of earlier bonfire kilns and spreads of potters ' clay .
3 This collection had been formed in the second half of the eighteenth century by John Hunter who was largely responsible for raising surgery from a craft to a profession in England , and was the greatest anatomist and physiologist of his day .
4 In the final five minutes Titterton and Jones also went after been booked in the first half .
5 Their studies have also led to some surprising conclusions concerning chronology : Jacopo Bellini 's Paris album they have argued , contrary to most of the literature , precedes the London album , which they date to 1460–70 ; they have been able to date Paolino Veneto 's Map of Venice in the Marciana Library precisely to around 1328 , when previously it was thought to have been made in the second half of the century .
6 The suggestion of a ‘ social contract ’ between States had already been made in the first half of the seventeenth century by Grotius .
7 The East Anglians , who are the form team among the top eight , had been outplayed in the first half , when Wolves had half a dozen shots on goal and several others narrowly off target .
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