Example sentences of "[been] [verb] at [art] low [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Union leaders protested that while wages had been frozen at a low level , a freeze on prices could not be maintained because of the lack of government inspectors — a fear endorsed by Collor 's television appeal of Feb. 3 asking the general public to be watchdogs against price rises .
2 Initially , the post had been envisaged at a lower level , but the Lords select committee pushed for this power .
3 In these circumstances , it is not surprising to find that population loss from inner areas has been running at a lower rate in the 1980s and that the government 's efforts at introducing more private investment have met with some measure of success .
4 The same criticism has been levelled at the lower tier , the Board , which with twelve of its twenty-one members coming from the DES and the LEAs , is regarded by many as unbalanced .
5 It would be more advantageous to study an action picture which has been captured at a lower camera speed .
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