Example sentences of "i intend [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I intend to analyse the sexism in such texts on a more immediate , if mundane , level .
2 Later in this paper I intend to outline the curriculum and teaching strategies I hope will be retained within the national curriculum .
3 ‘ As soon as my work here is finished ’ , he wrote to Constanze , ‘ I shall join you , for I intend to take a long rest in your arms ; and I shall really need it , for all this mental worry and all the rushing about in connection with it is really wearing me out … . ’
4 I intend to open the inquest on Monday , the seventh .
5 With regard to what you owe me , I intend to cancel the debt .
6 However this time , whether or not a change of ownership makes any difference to that permission , I intend to lodge an official complaint .
7 From the waist-down I intend to wear a pair of blue jeans with the possible added attraction of whatever I manage to spill down them tonight in the pub .
8 But I intend to drive the strategy that is already in place and leave my successor to drive it even further . ’
9 ‘ Whatever the fact of the matter is , I intend to do the garden . ’
10 I intend to use an external power filter .
11 I intend to use the report to review the present arrangements for the induction of newly qualified teachers and in-service training .
12 In fact , I intend to spend the night there . ’
13 I intend to retell the story ( rather than talk about it ) from the perspective of the primitive church .
14 ‘ What 's more , I intend to hire a live-in nanny to give me a hand and to be there when I ca n't .
15 ‘ This is my bit of Wharfed ale , ’ each male sang , ‘ and I intend to entice a wife and raise a family — so all you other blokes , keep out . ’
16 The course of my life during the period from the end of 1940 until the autumn of 1945 is one of which I intend to write an account ; but this is not the place for it .
17 Except that this condition clodhopped into view only because I intend to tell the unlipsticked truth to Gill .
18 I intend to consider the libretto as Britten 's realistic reaction to a story that was all too easy to rended as either full-blown Grand Opera or stagey High Camp .
19 ‘ Actually I intend to drop a word in your ear concerning the matter , ’ he said in a voice that now held a grim note .
20 I intend to have a thoroughly enjoyable and lengthy period without paid work .
21 Q. I intend to make a venturi to fit into a transfer pipe from one filter to the next , to allow the introduction of air into the system I am currently building .
22 I intend to make a great deal of money from this if my speculations are correct . ’
23 ‘ Maybe , if the game was against Australia or New Zealand Alan Tait would have been preferred , but Mal Reilly is building for the future and now I have my chance I intend to make the most of it . ’
24 I intend to uncover the old boy system where everybody covers up when cases like this arise .
25 I wish to give notice that , because of the Minister 's disgracefully complacent answers , I intend to raise the crisis of housing in Wales on the Adjournment .
26 In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the Minister 's answer to the question on the extension of VAT , I intend to raise the matter on the Adjournment .
27 My tank is 6' × 2' × 2' and I intend to keep a selection of Clownfish , Wrasse , Damsels , Tangs and Gobies .
28 I intend to keep the fry in a number of these nets for the first few weeks of their lives and feed them on newly hatched brine shrimp .
29 On my return I intend to complete the document and get publication underway .
30 On my return I intend to complete the document and get publication underway .
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