Example sentences of "not arrive [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The landlord 's argument will be that the rent should be paid on time , but the tenant could respond that it is a fairly recent innovation for rent to be paid in advance as opposed to in arrears and , furthermore , that the landlord has the benefit of three months ' rent in advance , despite the fact that it may not arrive on the actual quarter day .
2 Such an obviously prestigious development should not arrive on the back of one city 's possibly unsuccessful Olympic bid , with no consideration of the claims of other places or regions .
3 It did not arrive at the arena until almost 4 o'clock , by which time everyone was thoroughly soaked and miserable .
4 The police are directed not to the Polytechnique , but to a nearby student residence , and do not arrive at the Polytechnique until nearly twenty minutes past five .
5 If economic agents do not arrive at the solutions indicated by the economic model ( or if foreign policy decision-makers do not choose the strategies recommended by game theory ) , that is , one might say , so much the worse for the agents .
6 One will not arrive at the concept ‘ mass ’ through observation alone , however closely one scrutinizes colliding billiard-balls , weights on springs , orbiting planets , etc. , nor is it possible to teach others the meaning of mass merely by pointing to such events .
7 Malcolm McLaren did not arrive at the Virgin offices that December afternoon , as arranged .
8 Unlike the 19th century bill , the contemporary bill of lading often does not arrive at the port of destination or transhipment prior to the arrival of the goods , especially when the maritime journey lasts a few days or less .
9 He would not arrive at the door .
10 Crowd violence did not arrive with the football hooligans .
11 From the 19 patients with reflux oesophagitis , one subject did not arrive for the second measurement and dropped out .
12 Catalogues come out early — you may have ordered as early as the Chelsea Flower Show in May — and although you know that the plants will not arrive before the back end of October at the earliest , more likely into November , you will have to plan where the temporary reception centre will be placed .
13 She did not mention that no more money would be sent — let Ellen discover that when the monthly money orders did not arrive in the punctual way they always had done .
14 In Polish Romantic art there was a frustrated urge to responsibility and national independence accompanied also by an indolence that grew out of the crushing knowledge that the resurrection of Poland would not arrive in the artist 's lifetime .
15 William realised he would have to handle the unloading alone if the van did not arrive in the next few minutes .
16 Now such respected independent institutions as the Fraser of Allander Institute are forecasting that recovery will not arrive until the second half of the year .
17 In October Bassingbourn had become the home of 231 ( Mosquito ) OCU and 237 ( Meteor ) OCU and it was on the Meteors that the initial staff work-up was done , the first Canberras did not arrive until the following February .
18 Or even worse , the material promised does not arrive until the end of the following week .
19 The Prince was in his cups , yet I thought it strange because the porter from Godstowe Priory did not arrive until the early hours of the morning . ’
20 We did n't arrive on the scene until that deal had fallen down .
21 Which was why she did n't arrive on the outskirts of Slane until it was nearly dark .
22 Do n't arrive at the record company expecting , even demanding , a meeting .
23 They did n't arrive at the party until they 'd finished the bottle .
24 ‘ The chance of a lifetime ’ did n't arrive at the most convenient moment for Helen Dobson ( seven months into a new job ) but when it came she grabbed it , in spite of the fact that it has left her biting her nails about future career prospects .
25 If it does n't arrive by the date agreed , then you 're within your rights to ask for your money back .
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