Example sentences of "not directly relate to " in BNC.

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1 Harry can not accept the fact that she has activities and commitments that do not directly relate to him , and keeps up a constant pressure on her to give up her job so that they can spend all their time together .
2 Normally the sale of books is confined to the sale of fiction and factual books not directly related to any course of study .
3 Concomitant symptoms are symptoms not directly related to but arising at the same time as , the main complaint such as a headache with diarrhoea or cold sores with a fever — things which are repeatedly associated , so that the patient might say ‘ Whenever I get this problem I always get a stomach upset ’ or whatever it may be .
4 Although the other social characteristics available are not directly related to wealth , they are amenable to ranking in a general social and economic sense .
5 It is evident that the main emphases here are either on the value of the practice for checking achievement ( from the teacher 's angle ) , or on factors which are not directly related to reading at all .
6 Since weak left handers were observed to have sinistral relatives more frequently than strong left handers , Hécaen and Sauguet inferred that " the intensity of left handedness is not directly related to bilaterality of language representation or to familial left handedness .
7 It was not directly related to households ' capacity to pay .
8 Many other factors not directly related to cold have been involved .
9 Of the two free-standing colleges , Bishop Grosseteste is endeavouring to diversify by offering courses of general education not directly related to teacher training , while Matlock has remained essentially a monotechnic institution , offering initial and in-service teacher-training courses .
10 Republican Senator John C. Danforth , the self-appointed mediator between the two sides , expressed his dismay over Bush 's opposition to a provision of Danforth 's proposed compromise bill which would prohibit employers from adopting employment standards which were not directly related to job performance .
11 Some of the elaboration given was not directly related to objects and events in the five seconds of film just viewed .
12 Much of the discussion at the meeting was about issues not directly related to cycling , such as the wearing of rear seat belts .
13 But it takes no long reflexion to see that , in this case , if the interrogative is acceptable , then it asks for a straightforward manner adverbial or its equivalent as an answer , and it is not directly related to the sentences in ( 33 ) .
14 All these patients had bulky gastric tumours extending to nearby or distant organs and death was due to progressive and uncontrolable disease and was not directly related to surgery .
15 Not directly related to current post but may improve performance .
16 Delegates expressed the hope that the environmental damage caused during the Gulf War — in particular Iraq 's release of oil slicks and the firing of Kuwaiti oil wells and the UN coalition 's bombing of nuclear , chemical and biological warfare facilities — would focus governments ' attention on the need to deal with the environmental dimension of modern warfare and to outlaw environmentally damaging actions not directly related to war arms .
17 This is not directly related to the three hundred thousand that we 've referred to , but obviously in part too .
18 I think in the past the , the response from the County Council would be that it was n't directly related to industrial relations .
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