Example sentences of "it do suggest that " in BNC.

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1 It did suggest that the principles of confidentiality should be preserved for a period of fifteen years instead of thirty , but that there should be no new machinery for enforcement since offenders would carry the risk of social and political sanctions , and , of course , if they came within the rubric of any existing legal restraint , such as the Official Secrets Act , they would run the risk of legal proceedings .
2 But it does suggest that racism is too deeply embedded in the whole experience of growing up working class to be the sole responsibility of skins .
3 However , it does suggest that the patient 's distress beforehand was more likely to have been related to environmental stresses than an endogenous illness .
4 But it does imply the need for caution in making extreme claims about the distances of quasars based solely on redshift evidence , and it does suggest that Arp 's evidence concerning other , similar associations should be taken more seriously than has often been the case .
5 While this should not , of course , be taken to imply that female listeners lack intelligence , it does suggest that radio is not perhaps a suitable medium for putting across complex ideas or instructions .
6 However , it does suggest that the issue of how and why children come to be labelled as abused is a problem in its own right , and one which may well be prior to questions of cause and control .
7 It does suggest that the only information the discourse analyst has access to is that contained in the text of a discourse fragment .
8 This is not to argue that prior activation of one hemisphere can not introduce a bias towards the opposite ear ( Nachson , 1973 ; Morais and Landercy , 1977 ) but it does suggest that the effect of activation may be to engage the processing mechanisms of a particular hemisphere rather than upset a hemispheric balance of attention .
9 It does suggest that teachers corporately have a responsibility to assist in keeping alive the research tradition , but that there is also only a minimal obligation on individuals to participate in the research enterprise .
10 This is not to say that people will not give the support ( as we know they do and invariably at great sacrifice ) ; but it does suggest that care by the community is seen as a less attractive option than care from professionals , but with the support and involvement of the family .
11 It does suggest that an underground abstraction of drainage through fractures in the rock may be a preliminary stage in the formation of natural arches .
12 This does not impugn the value of student ratings as a basis for relative judgements ; but it does suggest that caution should be exercised in making absolute interpretations .
13 This single value can not be used statistically when comparing chemistry with geology , but it does suggest that some elements of PhD research are diffused into the literature in a much more widespread manner than could be expected by simple inspection of the titles of papers .
14 The extent to which individual disciplines make use of libraries in their researches may be expected to vary , but when one sees that some universities spend 50% to 100% per capita more than others , it does suggest that the value placed by university managers on their libraries varies in some highly individualistic ways .
15 This single value can not be used statistically when comparing chemistry with geology , but it does suggest that some elements of Ph D research are diffused into the literature in a much more widespread manner than could be expected by simple inspection of the titles of papers .
16 It 's too complicated to explain er why this happens , but such simulations have been done , notably about Parker Baker and Smith who did the famous one and it does suggest that if you start off , even if you start of with similar size , that is sex cells , they will be driven by a competition for reproductive success to the extremes and you 'll end up with two extreme types , a large type proto-ovum and a tiny type , a proto- sperm .
17 However , it does suggest that there are recognisable " black " voice characteristics which do not operate at the level of segmental phonology , but have to do with such factors as prosodic features , voice setting , and perhaps other elements which remain to be identified .
18 Although Ennodius 's panegyric can not be used as absolute proof that Gregory 's chronology for Clovis 's conversion is wrong , it does suggest that there was conflict between the Franks and the Alamans shortly before 508 .
19 Oh yeah , what oh yes , oh without a doubt Joan , er you can do it , you could have the name and you could have who talked to them and , and then I can tell 'em that what , I 've done this you see and that 'd be the end of it it does suggest that you do n't tell them before you tell them after and then you sort of give them the opp the opportunity of me knocking , not recording it you see , wiping it off the tape , because it stunts the conversation .
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