Example sentences of "[indef pn] [modal v] expect [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In both blue-collar and white-collar employment , the long-predicted world in which nobody could expect to have one job for a lifetime has now arrived .
2 Time is money , and one must expect to see more pressure being brought to bear to reduce to a minimum the time taken from the start of a project to the arrival of the product on the shelves .
3 If what Jespersen suggests were true , however , one might expect to show some tendency to be dropped in the uses where it is " meaningless " and there is no sign of this occurring in any of the functions listed either by Buyssens or by Jespersen .
4 ‘ Is n't it also unacceptable that it took the management of British Nuclear Fuels longer than one might expect to make this incident public , especially bearing in mind that Dr Lewis Moonie [ a Labour front-bencher ] and I actually visited this site on Thursday and Friday of last week and were not informed that these excessive discharges had taken place ? ’
5 The increase is slightly less in the case of beverages , which is what one would expect given that wine stocks could service two establishments more easily than food ones .
6 If the secularisation of the working-class had gone ahead as rapidly as Engels wished to believe , one would expect to see some reflection of this in figures showing the growth of Rationalist and Secularist Societies .
7 Despite food hygiene regulations and the Food Safety Act , it is surprising that one of the principal aids to compliance is often neglected ; where one would expect to see commercial refrigeration it is still not uncommon to find domestic style refrigerators and freezers .
8 When the distribution of revenue is seen to be equitable , one would expect to see this intransigence diminish and with it doubts about the commitment of the UK to the EC .
9 One would expect to pass those kind of suburbs while lifting the eyes to what still lay in the centre , busy , well kept , and profitable .
10 Although more tension may be applied to the lower posterior wall of the reservoir than to the anterior wall during construction , one would expect to show greater differences in scores for these sites in relatively recently constructed reservoirs compared with those that had been in situ for several years , and the pathological changes would also be expected to be more like those of mucosal ischaemia .
11 Thus one would expect to observe negative coefficients on the current and lagged .
12 Large organizations will consist of loosely coupled subsystems , and yet , within the subsystems , one would expect to find tighter coordination .
13 In particular , one would expect to find two things .
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