Example sentences of "be to examine the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps a more decisive test would be to examine the composition of England 's first enduring scientific institution , the Royal Society , founded shortly after the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 .
2 A particular concern of the investigation will be to examine the definition of politicization used by the US and to examine the effectiveness of using threats of resignation as a credible technique for managing the activities of those agencies which are the world 's primary multi-lateral forums for the negotiation of global issues .
3 Perhaps a more sensitive test would be to examine the writings of puritans who did take an interest in science in seventeenth-century England to see what connections they did make in their schemes for reform .
4 We are naturally led to ask why this should be ; if we were happy with this line , the next step might be to examine the pattern of occupational or environmentally related diseases within each region to try to understand the pattern in the residuals .
5 The sensible thing would be to examine the project in its entirety .
6 Perhaps one of our tasks should be to examine the extent to which we are complicit in reproducing structural inequalities through the very nature of the work we do .
7 If you were to examine the work you may not find any faults , or perhaps just a few minor ones which ‘ do n't really matter ’ .
8 The terms of reference for Sir Douglas Black 's investigation were to examine the evidence concerning the alleged cluster of cancer cases in the village of Seascale , to consider the need for further research and to make recommendations .
9 Robson 's aims in Justice and Administrative Law were to examine the extent and nature of administrative adjudication and to provide an intellectual foundation for the development of a system of public law .
10 Without actually opening it , which would have been to examine the beast physiologically , Hull inferred numerous relationships between levels of motivation ( drive ) and the extent of learning ( habit strength ) that rendered a response more or less probable .
11 Councillors on the policy and resources personnel sub-committee are to examine the scheme .
12 Later a series of more detailed studies are to examine the way in which particular sectors of industry have been affected by , and in turn have attempted to influence the regulatory framework .
13 If we are to examine the consequences of actions , we must allow the choice .
14 Its aims are to examine the scale and operation of the informal risk capital market in the UK , to assess its contribution to closing the ‘ equity gap ’ , and to identify the characteristics of business angels in the UK and to compare them with their counterparts in North America .
15 MPs on the Parliamentary Committee on Social Security , currently investigating company pensions , are to examine the Hoover move .
16 If we are to examine the ambit of constitutional law in the United Kingdom , we need to have some notion of what the state is .
17 The aim of this study is to examine the influence of these skills on subsequent reading development .
18 A second way of looking at coins is to examine the denominations in which they were made .
19 The main aim of this project is to examine the relationship between parents ' facial expressiveness ( ie how facially expressive they are when feeling emotional ) and their children 's skill in decoding non verbal information ( in this case , their ability to recognise emotions from others ' facial expressions ) .
20 One aim of the research project is to examine the relationship between the perception of accident causes and the perception of countermeasure effectiveness .
21 The principal emphasis of this research programme is to examine the attitudes of the population to these changes , with special reference to work , to look at the adaptation of the population to their changed employment environment , and to consider the impact of these changes on households , family and community relations .
22 The aim of this research is to examine the strategies which prisoners and their families adopt in coming to terms with custody and its various social consequences .
23 The aim of the research is to examine the way a user 's beliefs and knowledge about a particular computer system influence the form and content of the interaction which takes place .
24 What matters for the moment is to examine the contention that the Roman catholic church had this special position only because of this matter of fact .
25 The project 's second aim is to examine the connections between family life and social achievement through a family-based study of social mobility .
26 The object of this research is to examine the structure of public opinion about state and private welfare services .
27 The main aim of the research is to examine the interrelationship between the comprehension and production of early vocabulary .
28 The purpose of the research project is to examine the effects of profit sharing at the microeconomic level .
29 The object of the research is to examine the effects of structural change in the national economy on economic activity in different types of cities .
30 The purpose of this study is to examine the handling of complaints made by individuals or organizations against government departments , using as examples H.M. Customs and Excise and the Immigration and Nationality Department .
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