Example sentences of "be distinguished from the " in BNC.

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1 The ISAs are distinguished from the Repressive State Apparatus ( RSA ) in that the former are plural and private while the latter is unitary and public .
2 Ramblers With very few exceptions , the ramblers are distinguished from the climbers by flowering in one display of bloom and then no more , on long flexible stems that have developed the year before .
3 The teacher developers are distinguished from the teacher users by the fact that they must already be well acclimatized to using computers in the classroom .
4 Some of the contents and objects , we can take it , are distinguished from the rest by being representative .
5 In many cases , they are distinguished from the prevalent structural range by their degree of architectural pretension .
6 It is characteristic of the novel that climate and vegetation should count for no less than its comedy of manners , in which the Jewish businessman Harry de Tunja plays an enjoyable part , and that neither of these two elements , so far as they can be distinguished from the rest of the novel , should count for less than the opinions which they help to convey .
7 Black and white in appearance , the male golden-eye can be distinguished from the less strikingly marked male tufted duck by its lack of drooping crest and an ostentatious white patch behind the bill .
8 In the teaching of English , then , I believe that language , the practical aspect of the subject , must have priority and must be distinguished from the theoretical or knowledge-based aspects .
9 It is illustrated in Figs. 13 and 15 where the overlying acoustically ‘ dead ’ character of the Barren Measures can be distinguished from the subcropping high-frequency reflections of the ‘ Grey ’ Coal Measures .
10 Furthermore , on the X ’ chromosome there is a gene for the enzyme called G6PD , and again the horse version can be distinguished from the donkey version .
11 If a worshipper were to make a fetish of his stone or metal image , however , then that might correctly be construed as idolatry , but such an attitude has to be distinguished from the element of sacredness that worshippers often attribute to temples , churches and mosques or to books such as the Bible , the Koran or the Gītā .
12 Man may be distinguished from the animal by his capacity for non-violence , but it does not mean that he has shed all vestiges of the animal in him .
13 They were numbered 489–493 and could be distinguished from the earlier batch by their black rubber rear wings .
14 Evaluation , then , is to be distinguished from the measurement of learner achievement .
15 It is also to be distinguished from the measurement of method .
16 This force , however , does not affect free will and can not be distinguished from the ordinary operations of nature .
17 Hexamita can only be identified when moving , otherwise they can not be distinguished from the background debris .
18 However , he insisted that this could be distinguished from the cognitive validity of knowledge .
19 This cultural and institutional hegemony must always be distinguished from the more transient political and economic supremacy of European nations .
20 Although incompatibility microorganisms from different insects occur in both subgroups , all parthenogenesis microorganisms from Trichogramma wasps fall into subgroup I. All 16S rDNA sequences of parthenogenesis bacteria from Trichogramma can be distinguished from the incompatibility bacteria by two diagnostic base positions , as shown in Table 1 .
21 ‘ The logic of standard English can not be distinguished from the logic of any other dialect of English by any test that we can find ’ ( Labov , 1973 , p. 52 ) .
22 It is an activity that must be distinguished from the various abstract modes of experience .
23 This view , then , may be distinguished from the ‘ orthodox ’ sociological view for separate consideration : it is the patriarchy thesis .
24 Representative democracy , however , whether at national or local level , must be distinguished from the participatory approaches that provide for direct involvement in the policy-making process ( Pateman 1970 ) .
25 Is to be distinguished from the implementation , in which electronic circuits are designed to realize an architecture .
26 We begin by introducing the term process , which is to be distinguished from the term program .
27 Initially , the male can be distinguished from the female complement by the more elongated chromosomes and staining differences ( 3 ) but , as development progresses , the two become more equivalent and less easy to separate .
28 If it is required to cytogenetically demonstrate the activity or otherwise of paternally or maternally derived X chromosomes in cells of fetal origin , the first requirement is to mark one of them so that it can be distinguished from the other one .
29 The second requirement is to examine the mitotic cells under conditions where the inactive can be distinguished from the active X. Numerous methods are available which , for example , include autoradiography and systems of 5 " -bromodeoxyuridine ( BrdU ) substitution , but here , the simpler Kanda ( 18 ) method will be described ( Table 7 ) since it can be done quickly using the minimum of equipment .
30 In these nuclei the body can readily be distinguished from the chromocentres since it is appreciably darker staining and lies in a small " notch " in the nuclear membrane .
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