Example sentences of "be deduct from the " in BNC.

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1 They have been told that their claim may only amount to around £11,000 of their £15,000 as capital gains tax is likely to be deducted from the total .
2 The ex gratia payment should be deducted from the total gross award , which may far exceed the meagre statutory limit , before that limit is applied .
3 This will usually show the sum to be deducted from the invoice for the goods in question ( ie how much will be taken off the retailer 's bill ) .
4 For tax purposes , your state pension will be added to your occupational one , and any tax due will be deducted from the latter .
5 Half of the marriage service fee ( £19.50 ) goes to the clergyman but this will be deducted from the salary paid to him by the Church Commissioners .
6 It should be noted that the payment under Deed of Covenant will be regarded as a charge on income and will be deducted from the trading profits for corporation tax purposes .
7 The direct costs incurred in connection with the issue of capital instruments should be deducted from the proceeds of the issue in arriving at the net amount .
8 Moreover , all pupils were to be subject to annual tests in reading , writing and arithmetic , administered by HMI , and 2s. 8d. ( approximately 14p ) was to be deducted from the grant for each test a child failed .
9 To calculate the room occupancy percentage accurately , the number of rooms out of service ( OSS ) for any reason such as maintenance or redecorating must be deducted from the total number of rooms in the hotel .
10 This should be deducted from the date band 25 April–8 May which shows a price of £454 , therefore the price of the holiday is £184 per person .
11 Recoverable ACT should be deducted from the deferred tax account if a deferred tax account is available for this purpose .
12 Recoverable ACT should be deducted from the deferred tax account , if there is a deferred tax account available for this purpose .
13 Trade discount , however , would usually be deducted from the cost unless it was received as a rebate from the supplier when the company as a whole reached a certain level of purchases .
14 Where the value of the investment falls below the completed cancellation notice is received , an amount equal to such fall in the purchase price will be deducted from the refund he would otherwise have received ; therefore he will not get a full refund of the money paid by him .
15 it was held on appeal that income from assets tied up in the deceased 's farm could not be deducted from the dependency claim by virtue of s.4 of the f.a.a as amended by the administration of justice act 1982. in this case the widow of a farmer inherited a share of a farm jointly owned by her husband and his brother .
16 In the event of damaged articles , any salvage value should be deducted from the settlement .
17 The excess will be deducted from the loss and then payment made up to the policy limit .
18 It will be deducted from the loss and payment then made up to the policy limit .
19 Any overpayment of weekly benefit should be deducted from the capital benefit .
20 Upon notice being given to the Corporation that the motor car described in the Schedule is to be laid up and out of use for a period of not less than four consecutive weeks ( otherwise than as a result of loss or damage covered by the Policy ) and subject to the relative International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) being returned to the Corporation the Policy will be automatically suspended as from the date upon which such Card is received by the Corporation except as regards loss of or damage to such motor car by fire lightning explosion theft or attempted theft and on renewal a refund of 75% of the pro rata premium for the suspended period will be deducted from the renewal premium .
21 The excess should be deducted from the loss and then payment will be made up to the policy limit where applicable .
22 It may or may not be deducted from the room charge .
23 I understand that next April 's increase will be deducted from the national insurance dependency addition , just as all previous increases have been .
24 Any expense incurred by ABC or any of its subsidiaries in obtaining such release will be deducted from the net assets at completion .
25 Where half plus Statutory Sick Pay or any National Insurance Benefit , including Dependents ' Allowance to which you are entitled exceeds your normal pay , the amount in excess of your normal pay will be deducted from the half pay allowance .
26 ( b ) Deductions If the headtenant is liable to pay the rates under the terms of some or all of the subleases , and is also liable to pay the rates under the terms of the headlease , the rates should be deducted from the gross amount of the subrents for the purposes of the rent review under the headlease .
27 This must be deducted from the income received .
28 Because of these uncertainties the appropriate time for selecting the multiplier is at the time of death and the number of pre-trial years for which special damages are awarded should then be deducted from the multiplier ( Graham v Dodds [ 1983 ] 1 WLR 808 ) .
29 If the landlord prefers to covenant to maintain the outer half of all internal non load-bearing walls dividing the premises from other parts of the building and recovering the cost via the service charge , the tenant should ensure that any sums collected by the landlord from other tenants under the terms of their leases to maintain their half of the divisional wall should be deducted from the service charge .
30 which needs to be deducted from the hundred and ten point two seven which gives you a re a possible alloca a possible amount of land to come forward in the structure plan period of seventy seven point six seven , off which to make the figures round properly you need to take another ten , for the retail element if that became I five land which could theoretically give you a figure of sixty seven point six seven .
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