Example sentences of "be in thrall to " in BNC.

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1 We are in thrall to the uniquely Western illusion of cheating time by investing the temporal with immortality .
2 But through his eyes Watson was enabled to describe events of the utmost absurdity in a way that makes you believe , if only while you are in thrall to each book , that they really might have happened .
3 As for being free — to be in thrall to a ruling obsession is hardly to exist in a state of freedom .
4 Last night you were in thrall to your emotions .
5 In truth , the profession in Britain is in thrall to a near monopoly employer ( the NHS ) in tandem with a regulatory quango ( the GMC ) and litigious ‘ consumers ’ egged on by citizens ' charters .
6 ‘ It is in thrall to a Necromancer of the highest order and the Wolfking is dead . ’
7 Perhaps I was in thrall to an illusion , but to me Pottz looked natural , free , and potent .
8 But he was in thrall to Deuce , who now reappeared in the distance followed by an over-liveried porter who was carrying two large suitcases .
9 Warrior indebtedness to the merchant class became endemic until , by the late Tokugawa period , the ruling stratum was in thrall to those it purported most to despise .
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