Example sentences of "be [adj] to arrive at " in BNC.

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1 A group of five guests are due to arrive at 9.30 p.m .
2 Delegates from all over Europe are due to arrive at what is described as a major event during the British Presidency of the European Community .
3 The train had been due to arrive at Euston at 9.30 .
4 Or even if you have to clarify the title by saying who is responsible for making sure that materials that you use arrive at the place that they 're supposed to arrive at the time .
5 The Directorate have agreed that staff who are able to arrive at work early should be encouraged to do so and the following arrangements will apply : —
6 Sadly , the only conclusion I 've been able to arrive at since Mr Lamont did his bit , is that the sooner I become a recluse with a string of racehorses the better and that ca n't be right .
7 If , for lack of a formula , British ministries ( and no doubt ministries elsewhere ) are unable to price the amenity value of landscapes threatened by development , how on earth would any government — or , more probably a conference of governments — be able to arrive at a system for pricing the air ?
8 It is clear from the above that higher headquarters placed great emphasis on L Detachment remaining essential fly as a parachute unit , and this was in keeping with Stirling 's doctrine that his men should be able to arrive at a target by whatever means were most suitable .
9 To recognise where a reform is urgently required and must be effected at any cost , or where it may be postponed , or where it may be counted on to effect itself without outside influence , and , perhaps most important of all , to be able to recognise the fact that certain reforms would be beneficial could they be effected but that it is not possible to effect them at all ; to be able to arrive at a right decision on such points as these is what is chiefly required of a Resident .
10 If the customer base is broadly the same as for existing products , then the credit manager should be able to arrive at a reasonable assessment of these factors .
11 Somehow we then got on to the theme of French poetry , and Eliot expressed surprise at one of Herbert Read 's recent pronouncements on Laforgue and another nineteenth-century poet I can not recall and about whom at the time I knew too little to be able to arrive at an opinion .
12 It must be frustrating to arrive at a police station after a hectic drive , only to find that ‘ the processes of investigation ’ necessitated a quick confession from the client .
13 A trial and adjustment session with your saw will be necessary to arrive at the setting of exactly 15° .
14 Although precise categories of mental illness are difficult to arrive at , there is at least reasonable consensus about the meaning of the more inclusive terms , ‘ psychosis ’ and ‘ psychotic ’ .
15 If the Government were concerned to arrive at a proper system , they would accept that fairness was the answer .
16 The problems that juries were liable to arrive at verdicts that were less than helpful and that witnesses and jurors were vulnerable to intimidation were met by the abolition of juries in the criminal courts and the introduction of unorthodox expedients to enable witnesses to remain anonymous .
17 ‘ This train is due to arrive at Tunbridge Wells sometime later today , ’ he crackled over the tannoy .
18 The locomotive is due to arrive at Bury by road and make its first appearance at a hastily-organised Great Western Weekend over the weekend of November 14–15 .
19 Denice is never late , so we 've been told , and she 's due to arrive at any moment .
20 It is possible to arrive at a probable date for the birth of Jesus .
21 From these figures , it is possible to arrive at a number of quite different versions of what changes took place in the years in question .
22 ‘ Depending on what set of figures you employ , it is possible to arrive at quite different estimates of the impact of the recession on trade unions ’ , writes Dr John Kelly , a labour economist ( reported in the Financial Times , 11 November 1987 ) .
23 The former is mainly concerned with the achievement of goals , not overly concerned about opposition and the costs of disturbance ; the latter is more concerned to represent and respond to diverse interests and is willing to arrive at compromises , if necessary sacrificing policy goals .
24 Semantic categories are not listed separately , since , as suggested in 2.9 , it is easier to arrive at these through other categories ; we shall , for example , use our lexical categories to find out how choice of words involves various types of meaning .
25 Because of the shortage of such funds , it is essential to arrive at methods for their use that ensure that as far as possible :
26 That is , the child is pre-programmed to arrive at this sort of representation of his mother tongue rather than any of the many other mathematically possible kinds .
27 The actual time of the start is difficult to arrive at , and is not important , but whatever the historical facts may be , it can be taken as fairly certain that the misuse of religion had become well established at the time of the advent of Jesus Christ .
28 For one thing , it is difficult to arrive at consistent criteria by which to identify the species .
29 At the time set for the sale , it was realised that a special trainload of buyers , pressmen and spectators was due to arrive at Ayr railway station and the sale was delayed to await their arrival .
30 Miss Maynard , a maternity nurse said to be the best on a well-known agency 's list , was due to arrive at Hillmarden House on October 20th and stay for six weeks — a little longer than the usual period .
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