Example sentences of "[am/are] likely [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now this is a problem er because if you do n't sharply define your objectives and if you do n't know what you need to achieve them , then you 're likely to stumble into the possibility of an uncontrolled war e even into a total war whereas the original objective was not in fact er as serious er as , as er as that .
2 Could you please give some indication as to when you 're likely to respond to the letter sent to you on the twelve of the first nineteen ninety three ?
3 The New York Times 's Vincent Canby wrote : ‘ There is nothing obviously glossy in Midnight Cowboy , but it contains a lot of superior laughter that has the same softening effect , ’ yet he found the central relationship was ‘ as honest and affecting as anything you 're likely to see in a movie , and more than compensates for those moments when the film seems to be exploiting its cheap , gaudy locale as might the director of a sight-seeing bus cruising through West 42nd Street and Greenwich Village ’ .
4 The thing is , they 're likely to come on the market quite soon .
5 Enthusiasm can spur one on to cram the border full of as many herbs as possible , but some of them are likely to die as a result , and others will be tall and weedy ; it is far better to plant with spaces between them to start with , allowing them room to grow to their full size so that their growth habit and leaf value can be made the most of in the context of the overall design .
6 Law and order departs from the Justice Model markedly in its attitude to due process : if anything it disap-proves of excessive procedural safeguards on the grounds that they are likely to act as an obstacle to ensuring offenders receive their just deserts .
7 Secondly , directors and managers have interests or aspirations which differ from those of the members , and hence their objectives are likely to diverge from the goal of maximising profits .
8 This road takes you through what I would say was the most savage landscape you are likely to see in the Pyrenees without actually setting off into the mountains on foot , a valley which has rocks where other valleys have trees .
9 Peter Gilroy , deputy director at Kent SSD , said : ‘ Research shows if you leave elderly people 's needs simply with personal care and do n't take into account their anxiety about their home , they are likely to go into a spiral of decline . ’
10 But in reality these are likely to go with the US firm to DRT .
11 You can also check er , and this this is a tiny percentage , those that are likely to go to a report .
12 Overall , clients are likely to go to the executive search firm they feel most comfortable with , which has the most appropriate range of experience and is closest to the image of the type of people they wish to recruit .
13 Two foot square strips are likely to go for a fiver a sod and will be accompanied by certificates of authenticity from manager Mick McCarthy .
14 Based on a study of fifteen abandoned sites in the Paragominas region south of Belém , each of which experienced varying degrees of land-use intensity , Buschbacher et al. have shown that only those sites where low- and medium-intensity use were practised are likely to return to a forest cover .
15 Moreover , for geographic reasons the strategic benefits of Cam Ranh Bay in peacetime are likely to turn into a liability during war .
16 Will the Minister now tell the House how many local magistrates courts he estimates are likely to close as a result of the Government 's new funding policy ?
17 Some schools are likely to close as a result of a decision by teachers to strike in protest at plans to shed a hundred and fifty jobs in Gloucestershire .
18 But other nations are likely to opt for a change ; as long as four vote against him , Quistgaard must go .
19 And the crop-marks that show dark instead of pale are likely to lie along the lines where timber walls stood , prior to the stone . )
20 The only other comment I had in terms of the scale of settlement , which I think is just touching upon the next point , is that , I mean depending on the conclusions you reach as to the the amount of housing to be provided for in a new settlement , I take the point that Mr Brighton made that you 've got to have a longer term perspective I think that he f that in the ten year period ninety six to two thousand and six that the new settlements to be brought forward during , erm I think it 's really unrealistic to achieve more than twelve fifty , fourteen hundred houses in that period , if you say reach a conclusion there should be two thousand houses in that period in a new settlement , there might be some benefit in having two settlements , each of a capacity of say twelve fifty , f for erm twelve fifty to fifteen hundred that can have capacity for the next plan period , and in other words to assist in meeting the constraints that exist on York that are likely to exist into the future .
21 However , as my right hon. Friend the Member for Southend , West said , it may be appropriate in some cases to consider a group of counties if clear cross-boundary issues are likely to arise during the discussion period .
22 In the latter case profits accruing to a resident taxpayer from the sale of foreign immovable property are likely to arise in the country where that property is situated although both the contracts of purchase and sale thereof are made in the country of residence of the taxpayer : Liquidator , Rhodesia Metals Ltd. v. Commissioner of Taxes [ 1940 ] A.C. 774 .
23 Beyond the fact that most cases are likely to arise in the context of trade or business it is not apparent why liability should be confined to cases where those activities are interfered with .
24 Although survey data continues to point to a substantial majority of young people aspiring to home ownership , they are likely to remain outside the property market all the time prices continue to decline .
25 Do you set out the sum , er you must set out some calculation of how many you are likely to lose over the life of the aircraft , is there a percentage figure you could give us for that ?
26 Special care is taken to ensure that teachers understand and can interpret correctly for their students , the plants and wildlife they are likely to encounter along the way .
27 Questions that the peer group are likely to ask of a design could include :
28 If Mr Kaifu fails to revive the parliamentary bill designed to support the anti-Iraq forces in the Gulf , the Americans are likely to ask for a lot more than the $4 billion Japan has so far promised to contribute towards the growing expenses there .
29 In addition to the fees of the professional advisers , financiers are likely to ask for a commitment or arrangement fee , based on a percentage of monies advanced .
30 A number of different synfuel projects are likely to continue in the US including shale , coal , gas , coal liquids , alcohol and very heavy oil .
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