Example sentences of "[am/are] not prepared [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No politician likes leaving an election campaign in full swing , but Britain 's farmers and fishermen expect me to do the job I was appointed for and I am not prepared to take the risk of measures hostile to the UK getting through because I am not there , ’ said Mr Curry , who is defending a 17,000 Conservative majority .
2 ‘ Not easily , not quickly , but I am not prepared to abandon the ambition of having a fully working economy , and having a fully working economy means there are jobs available for just about everybody who is looking for a job . ’
3 What sort of misguided speech was that ? were they dance about it or trim here , what they 're saying very simply and this is relevant to the people who are listening to us today , is that they are not prepared to restore the cuts made by the government which they have got elected .
4 We are saying to those councillors , ’ Wo n't pay , ca n't say ’ ; in other words , ’ If you are not prepared to obey the law and pay your rightful contribution to the cost of the local services which , as locally elected representatives , you have a say in providing , it is unjustifiable for you to have any influence , through your votes , on the amount of local tax that is levied in your area . ’
5 It is very important indeed to ensure that the staff of G C H Q are not subject to potential conflicts of interest and as I said earlier the Prime Minister and I listened for some considerable time to the s to er to the points put forward by the trade unions to see whether or not that overriding er national objective could be maintained but we were not convinced , we were not convinced that erm the trade unions could overcome those potential conflicts of interest and it behoves ill the party opposite to try and put a different gloss on the fact that we in this country thanks to our legislation , have put harmony in place of strife and we are not prepared to allow the opposition to put that major achievement at risk .
6 I think by the demonstration this morning that people are not prepared to see the building fall down and I think that , erm if necessary , people will do everything within their power to prevent the erm the contractors moving in .
7 Moderator between the eligibility of infant bap fo infant baptism and the confirmation service I find myself unclear , what do we do with children who are unbaptised say between the ages of three and twelve , whose parents are not ba themselves church members and who are not prepared to take the promises for them ?
8 We are not prepared to accept the imposition of other people 's directions on many forms of flexible job opportunities now available in this country .
9 We are not prepared to accept the fact that women , such as one woman from my own city of Manchester , can make skirts , blouses and trousers and be paid as little as 25p per pair of trousers .
10 But we are not prepared to change the quality of our estate .
11 However , long before this immediate question arose , we and our partners — and , I believe , the whole world — made it clear that we are not prepared to recognise the alteration of boundaries by force .
12 Some denominations and local churches reject data-gathering because they are not prepared to face the truth about themselves .
13 And West Germany of course , has had ten years of massive growth in nuclear power , I do n't hear the Green movement pressing us to imitate that ; they want the end result but they 're not prepared to wield the means .
14 So one reason [ for reviewing consents ] is it does n't make any difference to the river system ; another is that it means we 're not prepared to follow the thing through on a legal basis .
15 I ca n't smell petrol , and I 'm pretty certain she 'd have blown already if she was going to , but I 'm not prepared to take the chance .
16 I 'm not prepared to take the risk . ’
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