Example sentences of "have voted for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And having voted for party candidates , the electors expected the members returned to Parliament to support the program offered by their leaders at the election .
2 In their enthusiastic welcome for the referendum result , Lithuanian leaders pointed out that many ethnic Poles and Russians ( who made up 20 per cent of Lithuania 's population ) must have voted for independence , contradicting Soviet allegations that Lithuania 's minorities felt persecuted and needed to be defended by Soviet troops .
3 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
4 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
5 If we go back to the education example , and suppose that the first vote is between L and M , then if the rich vote sincerely L wins , and in the second round H defeats L. On the other hand , if the rich had voted for M in the first round , then M would have gone on to win in the second round .
6 In Slovenia , which had voted for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] and which
7 Slovenians had voted for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] and the government had announced on May 8 that it would secede by June 26 .
8 In addition candidates belonging to the Estonian Communist Party , which had voted for independence from the Soviet CP in March 1990 [ see p. 37323 ] and were represented in all these groups , won 55 seats .
9 Igor Smirnov had been elected " president " , and 98 per cent of the 78 per cent turnout reportedly had voted for independence .
10 Symbolic , perhaps , of a ‘ gentler age ’ was the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and eleven Bishops in the Division lobbies , all of them supporting the Bill , in contrast with the solitary Bishop ( Chichester ) who had voted for abolition in 1948 .
11 At the initiative of the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Parker of Waddington , who , unlike his predecessor in 1948 , had voted for abolition , the Lords debated at Committee stage whether the penalty of life imprisonment for murder should be mandatory or discretionary .
12 The Danuese allowed to participate were few in number and rigorously selected , mostly the same ‘ chiefs ’ who had voted for assimilation into the malai republic in the show referendum of a few weeks back .
13 Official results put the turnout at 82.88 per cent , of which 98.17 per cent had voted for Snegur .
14 ‘ Instead , Italians have voted for fragmentation , ’ said Signor Arnaldo Forlani , the party general secretary , who said he would now consider his own position .
15 The most provincial press pundits in the world have been busy reassuring their readers that fickle Europeans have voted for ungovernability , fascism , loony greens and other denizens of the Continent 's political funny farm , while sturdy British yeopersons opt for sensible majorities in the mother of parliaments .
16 ‘ All of us in democratic politics are only where we are by the will of the people and the American people have voted for change .
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