Example sentences of "have been singled out " in BNC.

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1 It 's just as well Paul did n't go with him , cos Paul would 've been singled out as well .
2 In the course of these policies , one or the other restrictive practice has been singled out as the root cause of our ills — resale price maintenance , clearing banks ' cartel , trade unions — the cry has been for their removal .
3 The beginnings of this idea emerge well from a passage in The Lord of the Rings which has been singled out for especially ferocious criticism : the parting of Treebeard from Celeborn and Galadriel in The Return of the King , p. 259 :
4 Many victims are also having to come to terms with the trauma while looking after children and the elderly in overcrowded refugee camps.Whether rape has been singled out by military commanders as a weapon of war remains open to question , but victims ' testimony suggests the abuse is part of a wider pattern of warfare and ‘ ethnic cleansing ’ .
5 More recently , he has been singled out as just about the only member of the cabinet blessed with the combined talents of toughness , intellect , experience and unsullied reputation .
6 This profound sense of destiny which has influenced her life gives her an intuitive awareness that she has been singled out for a special role .
7 Social class is not the only speaker variable which presents problems of definition and interpretation , but it has been singled out here for detailed discussion for two reasons .
8 Pension abatement has been singled out as a blatant piece of age discrimination that is obsolete and should be abolished .
9 As representatives of junior doctors we can not condone the unilateral abandonment of agreed manpower targets , but we believe that the Trent regional task force has been singled out unfairly .
10 There is one particular practice that has been singled out for special treatment and that is resale price maintenance .
11 For Tencel , Courtaulds ' new cellulosic fibre , Italy has been singled out as a prime target in Europe because of the size , quality and design strength of its textile industry .
12 He 'd been singled out .
13 This drug duo may have been singled out because their penchant for fine racehorses and private zoos , not to mention murder on a massive scale , made them the most public of the mafia bosses .
14 It would be difficult to understand why an otherwise ordinary country woman should have been singled out and made the central character of the tradition if there was no truth in the story .
15 How very conceited to assume that , out of all the billions of billions of planets in the universe , our own little backwater of a world , in our own local backwater of a solar system , in our own local backwater of a galaxy , should have been singled out for life ?
16 But neither Johnson nor former Gosforth and West Hartlepool lock Kevin Westgarth could have been singled out as outstanding performers .
17 The deaf children of the Molfetta Deaf School in Trani were proud to have been singled out for a visit by the Princess
18 ‘ I was very surprised to have been singled out for this honour .
19 Lying across the East-West divide , the Germans began to feel they had a special understanding of world peace , as well as that they had been singled out by the ‘ Great Powers ’ as Europe 's potential war playground .
20 Once parliament had given its assent to the war and Edward 's prospective companions in arms had been singled out for honours , Edward set about mobilizing the financial support he needed .
21 The report claimed that at least 26 people had been killed in the attack , mostly government employees who had been singled out and shot .
22 Cranston claimed that his relationship with Keating was essentially no different from that of the other four senators , but that , because he was suffering from cancer and had announced his intention not to seek re-election on the expiry in 1992 of his current term , he had been singled out for sanction as a " scapegoat " .
23 The Kuwaiti government consistently denied that Palestinians had been singled out for arrest and punishment .
24 Because both test and control groups had been singled out for special attention a group pride had developed and this became the motivation for improved performance .
25 The recollections of those who worked with him in the war years show a striking convergence : volunteers were won over instantly by the self-assured prophetic tone in which he discussed the war and by his knack of making them feel that they had been singled out to receive a confidence .
26 In the wake of the disturbances , union leaders alleged that one of the men arrested , the Scottish Militant leader and Glasgow councillor Tommy Sheridan , had been singled out by police for special treatment , and that the force had been heavy handed .
27 But the deputies believe they 've been singled out as a obstacle to producing cheaper coal in Britain 's pits , in the run up to privatization .
28 From more than 80 strains , four have been singled out to be grown from seeds which are tested for protein , which helps them to withstand heat .
29 THE glow of recognition will be sweet for those who have been singled out in the New Year Honours list .
30 Others have been singled out because of their involvement in a trade union or political party .
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