Example sentences of "have been investigating [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Midland Bank has been investigating a possible scheme to log areas of virgin Amazonian rainforest , whilst simultaneously launching its new green investment fund .
2 The Department of the Interior , which acts as a kind of colonial office , has been investigating the local government .
3 Meanwhile Central South has been investigating the company which has taken the Harris family to court .
4 Stephen Ball has been investigating the differences between streamed and mixed ability classes in comprehensives .
5 They may have intended to present the information as a factual account , or they may have been investigating a particular area with a view to using the material obtained as a background for a piece of more imaginative writing .
6 The engineers had been investigating a fault with overhead cables in the field at Bromyard in Herefordshire .
7 The policeman had been investigating a burglary in which a Midland cash card , a portable CD player , a Hitachi portable television set , a silver bracelet , an 18-carat gold chain and St Christopher and five silver necklaces were stolen .
8 As a result the educational psychologist had been investigating the possibility of a place at a local special school for Balbinder .
9 She inherited from her brother a methodical and intelligent Treasurer , the Marquis of Winchester ; and she also took over the conclusions of committees which had been investigating the Crown 's finances under Edward VI .
10 Since February , a Senate Committee , chaired by the aged but incorruptible Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina , had been investigating the affair in the full glare of the television cameras .
11 I 've been investigating a series of murders in London .
12 Gregory Bothun , of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics , and five colleagues from as many different establishments , have been investigating the nature of a relatively nearby ( low redshift ) quasar dubbed 0351 +026 .
13 Only 15–20 per cent of present day California is part of the original North American plate , say three geologists at the United States Geological Survey ( USGS ) who have been investigating the birth of California .
14 For 11 years I have been investigating the flora and fauna of this 700 sq.m site .
15 British Airways have been investigating the potential of AI to engineering diagnostics through a Computer Aided Decision & Diagnostics Information System programme ( CADDIS ) .
16 A spokesman for Thames Valley police , who have been investigating the don 's disappearance , said that two detectives would be flying to Paris today to continue their inquiries .
17 The Council 's Audit Department and Thames Valley police have been investigating the fraud for the past fortnight .
18 Whilst police have been investigating the savage crime … surgeons have been opearting on the savage injuries .
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