Example sentences of "['s] attention to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was still trying to find them among the milling blackened faces , when a sudden shout drew everyone 's attention to a flicker of torch light weaving through the trees towards the highway .
2 Once you have attracted people 's attention to a story with a bright , lively opening paragraph , you can provide them with some facts and figures .
3 The yard did not appreciate the significance of the words , ‘ without prejudice to our rights , ’ the owners realised that this was so and deliberately did not draw the yard 's attention to the significance of the reservation .
4 There had been some criticism of the question and answer made by the social worker in support of the hospital admission application form on the question of practicability of getting the recommendation of a practitioner with previous acquaintance with the patient , and those responsible might wish to consider rewording the form so as to direct the social worker 's attention to the question of practicability .
5 He was briefly silent , and they both gave a moment 's attention to the incongruity of a particularly poignant song succeeding the somewhat crass commercial .
6 That is , the reformulation draws the hearer 's attention to the range of contextual assumptions which distinguish sprinting from ordinary running .
7 Jaq drew Meh'Lindi 's attention to the bio-scanner in its filigreed , jade-studded frame .
8 Reproducing these features encouraged skill in draughtsmanship : it also drew Hardy 's attention to the abundance of detail and sheer exuberance of Gothic style , characterised by Ruskin as ‘ fancifulness , love of variety , love of richness ’ .
9 No doubt both the Department of Health and the Mental Health Act Commission will take notice of the Court 's opinion that the form for application for admission under section 2 ‘ does not direct the social worker 's attention to the desirability of obtaining a recommendation from a doctor who does know the past history , diagnosis and treatment of the patient and why it has not been practicable to do so . ’
10 Mr. Anthony Barrey , a barrister and a Crown prosecutor who was prosecuting in that court on that morning , drew the court 's attention to the footnote to section 7(5) in Stone 's Justices ' Manual , 121st ed. , vol. 1 , to which reference has already been made .
11 I now know that they are not automatically exempt from prescription charges , and I draw my hon. Friend the Minister 's attention to the recommendation of the Parkinson 's Disease Society of the United Kingdom , which I support , that sufferers should be exempt from prescription charges .
12 Under John Major as Prime Minister efforts have been made to bring China 's attention to the plight of pro-democracy activists .
13 The 1959 obscenity test is one of effect , which directs the jury 's attention to the extent to which a work tends to encourage such feelings of aversion or revulsion rather than of corruption or depravity .
14 Ruling the complaint to be incompetent , he said the procurator-fiscal had not drawn the police 's attention to the need for urgency in serving the necessary papers on Neil .
15 There is a feeling of disarray about the house ; newspapers and books are mixed with the baby 's toys and used cups and saucers draw the visitor 's attention to the washing up left undone .
16 Mr Clayton drew the inspectors ' attention to a village in Argyll , Scotland , where power lines ran along the main street .
17 I would draw members ' attention to the spending on Children and Families Committee during this year , which in fact , is net some three hundred and nineteen thousand above the base budget .
18 Sir , I am grateful to the Christmas Critics ' Crowner ( 18th/25th December ) for drawing your readers ' attention to the fate of W J West , perhaps the most victimised author of 1992 , who now awaits sentence on what is poised to become the most controversial book of 1993 , The Crisis in Bookselling .
19 In setting out these practical implications , the Guidelines recognise and draw engineers ' attention to the importance of the other influences which should govern their conduct .
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