Example sentences of "['s] eye [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thiercelin 's eyes widened at the sight .
2 Kate 's eyes widened at the picture displayed .
3 The Doctor 's eyes widened at the sound of the voice , and at the face revealed as the sergeant raised her helmet .
4 Billy 's eyes stared at the wad in disbelief .
5 Auguste 's eyes misted at the sound and sight of the lovely Araminta , Multhrop 's eighteen-year-old daughter , rustling down the staircase in a delightful froufrou of petticoats , her large blue eyes fixed on her father , but well aware of every male in sight .
6 Rachel 's eyes flashed at the tone of his voice , particularly the way he said ‘ beloved ’ with a sting , a subtle edge of sarcasm and a look of hard distaste on his face .
7 The relic-seller 's eyes brightened at the prospect of profit .
8 Patsy 's eyes shone at the excitement .
9 The road-sweeper 's eyes shone at the wonder of it all , and then he went on .
10 Henry 's eye kindled at the memory .
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