Example sentences of "a substitute for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It would be a pity if talk of road pricing were to divert attention from commonsense action needed now , or if it were seen as a substitute for a properly funded roads programme .
2 He feels the ref should be empowered to demand a substitute for a player guilty of non-malicious , dangerous play .
3 In other cases , again , the existence of norms seems to be a substitute for a pre-cultural disposition .
4 Short-sighted because no amount of patchwork planning can be a substitute for a blueprint for services that has commitment , consultation and collaboration ingrained , like a name through candy rock .
5 The function of the pronoun , then , is neither to name nor to act as a substitute for a noun .
6 Adult women can attain the aim of possessing a penis through giving birth — a child is a substitute for a penis , also confused with faeces .
7 Sometimes we do not even need to provide a substitute for a word or phrase which has already been said .
8 These do not seem like promising beginnings : English was merely to be an extra accomplishment for young middle-class women — a ‘ convenient sort of non-subject to palm off on the ladies ’ as Eagleton puts it ; and a substitute for a classical education for the discontented working classes .
9 The formal procedure is seen as a substitute for a more spontaneous flow and nurture of ideas .
10 Such a definition does not , however , bridge the gap between Britain and the rest of the world by providing us with a substitute for a documentary constitution : it simply shifts the ground , by using the word in an entirely different way .
11 Perhaps the clearest example of Marxism being embraced as a substitute for a rejected Catholicism is offered by César Vallejo , whose poetry is constructed around biblical images both before and after his conversion to Communism and whose proletarian heroes ‘ appear as new Christs ’ urging redemption through collective love ( Vallejo : 1970 , p. 69 ) .
12 Algicides are sold by many aquatic plant nurseries and garden centres and while these are effective for a short period of time , they are not a substitute for a properly balanced pool .
13 In accepting a building society deposit as a substitute for a bank deposit , the customer may well have put that bank deposit into more active circulation .
14 Alternatively the statute may create an action by specific wording , either as a substitute for a common law action ( Nuclear Installations Act 1965 ) , or in addition .
15 Such a congress would not be a substitute for an elected Constituent Assembly and could not itself write a new constitution .
16 The use of the ‘ covering citation ’ is described by the MacRoberts as parsimonious citing , because the mention of the cited paper is used as a substitute for an explanation of the ideas contained in that cited paper .
17 Particularly in manufacturing , R&D is never quite free from its past projects and a substantial proportion of its resources must be earmarked for trouble-shooting arising from , for instance , the need to find a substitute for an obsolescent component before it is in short supply .
18 Sixty years after Schoenberg was making those remarks and nearly twenty years since Karajan made his recording of the Op. 31 Variations , it is still possible to meet the argument that the gramophone can never be a substitute for the sound of ‘ the real thing ’ in the concert-hall .
19 And she would provide a substitute for the two weeks she reckoned it would take her , an English maid called Phoebe Crabbe with whom she had become friendly .
20 The European Free Trade Association was formed in 1959 , by Britain , Switzerland , Austria , Portugal and the Scandinavian Countries , but it was not to prove a substitute for the E.E.C .
21 It also exonerates the community from taking on some of these tasks — caring for the elderly , the chronically sick and the disabled , and it is this aspects of the emphasis on family responsibility that produces scepticism about the motivation of exponents of active citizenship : it is seen as a substitute for the state 's responsibility for the social element of the citizenship of entitlement .
22 ( See also Holland and Forbes ( 1982 a , b ) , who provide further evidence to suggest that the CS-evoked representation of an event can act as a substitute for the event itself . )
23 The ‘ blood ’ referred to came of course from the animal which died as a substitute for the repentant Jew and which was sprinkled on his behalf on the altar by the priest .
24 In those days , shorthand writers formed the only means by which ordinary speech could be recorded , and it was as a substitute for the stenographer that the phonograph was first marketed .
25 It is not a sign of aggression but is , rather , a substitute for the pecking and scratching the birds would do if they were able to forage or dustbathe in an unrestricted and varied environment .
26 A sound-level meter could be a substitute for the friend .
27 It is intended that these principles are not seen purely as constrictive rules , but as a guide to promote the positive development of Scottish rock climbing to ensure that sports climbing , rather than becoming a substitute for the traditional climbing , grows alongside it .
28 To understand what is happening it is crucial to see Marxism not in the guise which it claims for itself — namely a scientific method — but as an ideology — a set of beliefs and ideas which help us interpret the world and provide a basis for action — which is a substitute for the religious vacuum left by the decline of Christianity in the West .
29 For public services he wrote a Collection of Offices as a substitute for the Book of Common Prayer whose use was illegal .
30 When Wittgenstein says that the linguistic expression is a substitute for the natural expression , and that there is no sharp line between the linguistic and the natural expression of a feeling , he is attacking the notion that in the relation between saying ‘ It hurts ’ and being in pain there must be a justifying element of reflecting on how one feels ( a ‘ ground ’ for the utterance ) , an element which does n't come into the relation between moaning and being in pain .
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