Example sentences of "a slightly increased [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Portuguese Social Democrats have recently won for the second time running with a slightly increased majority and 50.7 per cent of the votes cast .
2 In Edinburgh Pentland Mr Rifkind , Transport Secretary , regained his seat with a slightly increased majority .
3 It only needs a slightly increased tempo to be the great national anthem our country maybe does n't deserve , but will surely grow into when we have cast off childish things and grasped the thistle of independence .
4 Does anything you do sustain a slightly increased heart-rate for 20 to 30 minutes ?
5 Women who had used intrauterine devices in the past had a slightly increased rate of endometriosis over never users .
6 However , those who self-certify their loans may be charged a slightly increased rate .
7 Thus three patients ( 16 , 17 , 18 ) had borderline pathological SeHCAT tests but normal 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one concentrations , and two patients ( 4 , 11 ) with normal SeHCAT tests displayed a slightly increased concentration of the bile acid intermediate .
8 Although this will mean a slightly increased retrieval time ( of the order of 5 — 8 ms depending on the device ) it is claimed that the space saving more than offsets this overhead .
9 People with mild high blood pressure are at a slightly increased risk of a stroke , heart attack , or heart failure .
10 If you scored only one point , you probably have only a slightly increased risk of heart disease .
11 Moreover , this benefit is largely additive to that of thrombolysis and can be obtained with a slightly increased risk of minor bleeding and no increased risk of cerebral haemorrhage .
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