Example sentences of "and care for the " in BNC.

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1 The Duchess of Gloucester , as Patron , visits the offices of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
2 11 October : The Duchess of Gloucester , Patron of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , today visited the Counsel 's new offices at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
3 Details of provision can be obtained from social services and from organisations such as Counsel and Care for the Elderly and GRACE .
4 In these circumstances , the back-up resources are not there , and care for the carers is also needed .
5 For this we have to thank those dedicated collectors whose affection and care for the once ‘ ordinary ’ 78s has led to a great deal of pleasure for all of us today .
6 Here they make the land habitable , banish evil spirits ( or convert them into lesser deities , the Bāhan ) and care for the people .
7 We do not want them to inherit all our problems when it is their responsibility to create the wealth and care for the increased number of elderly and aged people in this country .
8 ‘ Then his son-in-law must act as a son and care for the land that 'll one day be his . ’
9 I said I understood this , but did not add that I had been told of the beauty of these women and their attention to make-up , of their fine skin and care for the traditional in their clothes and way of life .
10 The counsellor should become fully acquainted with as much relevant knowledge and information in as many professional spheres as possible , and use that knowledge in an attempt to ensure that the best possible treatment and care for the counsellee is obtained .
11 It invites denigration , even denial , of the link between physical care and care for the whole person whose body needs tending , and therefore of the knowledge and skill which such activities may require .
12 Descriptions of their behaviour show how many of the characteristics which are considered natural or essentially human are not instinctive but learnt , indicating the necessity of human contact and care for the development of social behaviour and for the development of fundamental human faculties .
13 ‘ Britain was the first to pay farmers to look after the land and care for the countryside , while cutting back on production .
14 To this there is made the qualification , or condition , that the statutory powers are exercised without ‘ negligence ’ — that word here being used in a special sense so as to require the undertaker , as a condition of obtaining immunity from action , to carry out the work and conduct of the operation with all reasonable regard and care for the interests of other persons ; … ’
15 Whatever level of public expenditure proves practicable , and however it is distributed , the primary source of support and care for the elderly people are informal and voluntary …
16 They look after the nest , collect food and care for the young .
17 It included beggars homes , hostels for children and working girls and care for the elderly .
18 In the House there is a tendency to think that the experience of unemployment , and care for the unemployed , rest exclusively with Opposition Members .
19 The strategy is focused around nine general aims : , Respect and care for the community of life , Improve the quality of human life , Conserve the earth 's vitality and diversity , Minimize the depletion of non-renewable resources , Keep within the Earth 's carrying capacity , Change personal attitudes and practises , Enable communities to care for their own environments , Provide a national framework for integrating development and conservation , Create a global alliance .
20 He has suffered terrible injuries and he 's going to need a lot of help and care for the future . )
21 The path that leads to the world 's highest mountain is full of adventures … full of famous stories … but there 's been nothing so grand and gallant as the expedition being planned by Macintyre of Milton Keynes … who cater and care for the mentally disabled …
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