Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] held [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The second round of the ‘ adidas ’ Challenge tournaments , which were held over the Christmas period , gave a strong indication of the interest and popularity that they have with young players throughout the country .
2 Less crowded and more sought after than these official Court balls were the Empress 's ‘ Mondays ’ , known as the petits bals du lundi , which were held in the Salon Bleu of her own apartments .
3 The Brentwood Metal Detecting Club attended the English Strawberry Fair at the Orsett Showground , Orsett , Essex , which was held during the weekend of 27–28 July this year .
4 Dashing dons at the Daily Telegraph NUS fun run , which was held on the University campus .
5 Regional heats were held in Aberdeen and Glenrothes to produce 4 teams for the final which was held at the Museum of Flight in East Lothian .
6 19 year old Barbara Griffiths from Middlesex , won the 17th annual British Women 's Tennis Association tournament which was held at the Queen 's Club just prior to Christmas .
7 BGS provided much of the logistical support for the first international conference arranged under the auspices of IGCP Project 294 , Very Low Grade Metamorphism , which was held at the University of Manchester , 5–6 July 1990 .
8 The evening was given over to a " conversation " , which was held in the Church Institute and attracted an audience of one hundred and fifty people .
9 He had invited selected members of the family as witnesses to the ceremony , which was held in the Hall of Marshals , but even careful selection did not prevent exhibitions of ill-bred behaviour .
10 The publication of the paper in Nature was thus accompanied by a press conference at Harwell , which was held in the hall where Kurchatov had spoken nearly two years earlier .
11 The pair did n't even realise they were related when they met at a special course about the assassination at the University of Liverpool , which was held in the wake of the Oliver Stone film JFK .
12 And er my memories really go back to er the , probably the more pleasant things in the erm mission parties that we were invited to , the film shows in the Officers ' Mess , er going to a Glenn Miller dance erm which was held in the hangar up here erm , I do n't think we really , or I really appreciated them so much at the time as I do now .
13 During a debate on the dispute at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton yesterday , Steve Gazzard , an ambulance worker , said that by allowing arbitration , ministers would then ‘ repay their debt ’ to ambulancemen called in after the bombing during the Tory party conference which was held in the town in 1984 .
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