Example sentences of "[be] thought [prep] [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Cattle eat grass , and might therefore be thought of as enemies of grass .
2 People said at the time that the war had been fought for the children , for a better future , and the 1950s represent a watershed in the historical process by which children have come to be thought of as repositories of hope , and objects of desire .
3 The price paid for a warrant can be thought of as part of the subscription price for a share which may ( or may not ) be issued at a future date .
4 However , description is not a privileged area of objective study , and the presentation of socio-cultural conditions of other societies can not be viewed as a final explanation of other institutions and values , but must be thought of as part of the observer 's reconstruction of their own understanding of the institutions and values .
5 The tracks can be thought of as patterns of gene activity and the ball as a developing cell .
6 It is appropriate to add a few words at this point that might help avert the possibility of becoming involved in any extensive debate about whether associative changes of the sort described here should really be thought of as instances of perceptual learning , producing changes in the perceived similarity of the stimuli .
7 None of these five constituencies is itself anything like an authentic community , and the notion that the two County constituencies could be thought of as parts of the same community as the three City constituencies is laughable .
8 The differentiation of the different kinds of blood cells can be thought of in terms of the branching pathway model .
9 What takes place between the I and the You is a human transaction which can also be thought of in terms of gesture .
10 Intersection and union of sets can be thought of in terms of the shaded regions in Fig. 0.1 ; such figures are called Venn diagrams .
11 Modernist organizations may be thought of in terms of Weber 's typification of bureaucratized , mechanistic structures of control , as these were subsequently erected upon a fully rationalized base of divided and deskilled labour .
12 These can be thought of in terms of seven organizational imperatives , which he derives from a larger set constructed by Jacques ( 1989 ) .
13 Azimuthal or Zenithal projections can be thought of in terms of the projection of the lines of latitude and longitude on the globe onto a fiat sheet of paper which touches the globe at some point ( for example , the north or south pole in the case of Polar Azimuthal projections ) .
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