Example sentences of "[be] attribute to the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is a strong view that the guarantee should be recognised as a liability both in the parent 's individual accounts and the consolidated accounts , and , therefore , no amount would be attributed to the minority interest .
2 Towards the top of the scale the relatively large number of prosperous husbandmen must be taken as reflecting the high overall level of wealth reinforced by the demand of the manufacturing population for food ; at the lower end the paucity of £2 assessments can almost certainly be attributed to the cottage farmers having turned over to weaving and kindred trades .
3 Much of the growth achieved in the UK over the past year can be attributed to the consultancy division , but worldwide , Andersen Consulting 's growth has slowed .
4 In these circumstances the knowledge of the director will be attributed to the parent company if the director is under an obligation to communicate the information to it .
5 Some of these can be attributed to the subject matter for study itself ( ‘ the objects of study are so utterly different that they require fundamentally different methods and forms of explanation and understanding ’ Benton 1977 : 12 ) .
6 The manuscript , however , can be attributed to the West Midlands , to the diocese of Worcester , and a small number of spellings in the text appropriate to the dialect of this region can be found , as indeed can an equally small number of spellings appropriate to the south-east of England .
7 With hindsight , it appears that disturbances in other towns and cities can be attributed to the copycat element .
8 In general , a large proportion of bile duct injuries can be attributed to the learning experience of the surgeon .
9 This improvement in health could possibly be attributed to the novelty value of having a new puppy or kitten in the house .
10 Since most of the gap occurs between the final parts drawing release and delivery of the dies , differences can be attributed to the die manufacturing process .
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