Example sentences of "[be] see [prep] the light [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the study of difference has acquired a newer meaning and can now be seen in the light of a test of our theories of development and language , and in a way which does not isolate a particular group under study .
2 Rather thin trying to explain the capitalist state as an outcome of the actions of individual and collective subjects , Poulantzas argues that it should be seen in the light of a general view of social structures , classes , and their relations .
3 The idea that grandchildren , especially granddaughters , are a possible choice for the care of elderly people is the key element here , although it has to be seen in the light of the evidence ( which I reviewed above ) about who actually cares in practice .
4 The scope of review must now be seen in the light of the decision in Anisminic Ltd. v. Foreign Compensation Commission .
5 The decision in Pearlman must now be seen in the light of Re Racal Communications Ltd .
6 Less than a third agreed they came by their fees easily , while half felt they made a positive effort to support and understand clients and 59 per cent that they respond very positively to requests for help and advice ( although these two groups of responses should be seen in the light of that ‘ distress purchase ’ attitude , where lawyers are unlikely to be negative when a client suddenly calls up offering business ) .
7 The claim to competence in carrying out school evaluation made by four fifths of Oxfordshire teachers should be seen in the light of these limited strategies , espoused also by four-fifths of them .
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