Example sentences of "[vb -s] changed [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This may reflect the fact that society has changed since the early days of sociology , and religion and its associated values , emotions and beliefs is no longer as important as it used to be .
2 The second point I want to make is in relation to something that has changed since the approved strategy and that is the inter-relationship between North Yorkshire and West Yorkshire .
3 Undoubtedly , the two interrelated movements — the democratic movement and the labour movement which developed so vigorously in the nineteenth century continue to have a major influence in politics , but the relation between them has changed during the present century , in a way which is also relevant to the character of more recent movements .
4 In this chapter we show first how the age structure of Britain 's population has changed during the twentieth century , and how it is likely to change in the century 's final years and beyond .
5 Whilst the form and degree of criticism has changed over the twentieth century , in essence it has remained the same , with similar international contrasts being drawn .
6 What the overall figures do not show is the way in which the activity of banking business has changed over the last decade .
7 What we 've actually got here is a judicious budget proposal which yes , has changed over the last fortnight , I make no apologies for that .
8 Thus the nature of local politics has changed over the post-war period , and we will now look at the way this has been analysed , to see if the debates within the social sciences have kept pace with material change .
9 At the same time the structure of corporate organization has changed with the growing importance of the multi-locational , often transnational company .
10 The typical family life cycle has changed from the early years of this century .
11 Much has changed in the European energy picture over the past decade and much will change over the next two , yet one central preoccupation persists and will persist , and that is Europe 's dependence on imported oil .
12 The aim of the project is to document and interpret the complex relationship between gender roles , family structures and marriage ceremonial and the ways each has changed in the twentieth century .
13 But they are not only to be seen on the street but within the mind 's eye itself : the mental set has changed in the post-1960 years of unprecedented exposure to visual imagery .
14 A single glance at the crucified Christ , the worshipped corpse : a figure bent like a branch whose shape has changed in the stretching agony of fire .
15 All that has changed in the past year .
16 But something has changed in the past months , something remarkable .
17 And something 's changed in the intervening time , I mean I know there 's aggravation and times are hard , I know we 've cut back on the hours and the rest , but there 's a lot of things that are n't good .
18 What k what kind what 's changed in the short time are the things Wh when I 've been talking to them about the publicity you said that , The last few years there 's there has been
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