Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] least [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) Under CA 1985 , s131(1) merger relief ( see para 23.1.5 below ) will be available " … where the issuing company has secured at least a 90 per cent equity holding in another company in pursuance of an arrangement providing for the allotment of equity shares in the issuing company on terms that the consideration for the shares allotted is to be provided ( a ) by the issue or transfer to the issuing company of equity shares in the other company …
2 As we 've just heard in the headlines Nottinghamshire police have taken the unusual step of releasing a recording of a girl they believe has made at least a dozen calls claiming she 's given birth .
3 Undercutting , polishing and pitting up to about 3 m ( 10 ft ) confirms that wind has played at least an important part in their development , while their restriction to areas of erodible sandstone providing a large amount of material for sand blasting also strongly suggests the part played by the wind .
4 Sumitomo Metal Industries , Japan 's third-largest steel company , has abandoned at least the first phase of a big refinancing scheme .
5 They think it 's the same teenager who 's made at least a dozen calls to the police and a hospital in Lincolnshire she sometimes uses the name Cindy and sometimes Linda .
6 They think it 's the same teenager who 's made at least a dozen calls to the police and a hospital in Lincolnshire since reporting the birth at the weekend .
7 They think it 's the same teenager who 's made at least a dozen calls to the police and a hospital in Lincolnshire since reporting the birth at the weekend .
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