Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] century " in BNC.

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1 In this respect , at least , little has altered since the nineteenth century .
2 In order to set the scene , figure 7.1 shows that average household size has fallen over the past century .
3 There are several other systems , regionally important , ethnically , culturally and/or theologically based but none has , as yet , had the pervasive success that capitalism has enjoyed in the twentieth century .
4 And although the Tude has plants in its waters , I am reluctant to believe that any of them are lilies ; for Chalais has suffered from the twentieth century as Aubeterre has not , and the Tude is polluted whereas the Dronne runs clear .
5 This process has accelerated in the twentieth century and , we argue , reached completion in the twenty years following the Second World War .
6 While no radical shift in the distribution of the British people at the macro-regional scale has occurred during the present century , the settlement pattern has displayed a dynamism that has proved difficult to forecast .
7 Rural depopulation has occurred in the past century and a half , and will continue in the future , because of declining employment opportunities in the countryside .
8 In the arts it has become over the last century not the exception but almost the rule for the innovator at the crucial time of forming his style to find something in another culture from which he can learn , an influence not superficial , as in eighteenth century chinoiserie , but radical ( the Impressionists and the Japanese woodcut , Debussy and the Javanese gamelan , Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese architecture , the Imagists and Japanese and Chinese poetry , the Cubists and African sculpture , Henry Moore and the Mexican Chac Mool , Brecht and Chinese theatre , Artaud and Balinese dance ) .
9 " The level of abstraction and consumption has increased over the last century by hundreds of times , and perhaps in some cases by thousands .
10 This latter has increased throughout the twentieth century ; it is not an end-of-century phenomenon .
11 Meanwhile , success over the last year has led to the 16th Century Six Bells Inn at Bardwell , near Bury , adding three bedrooms .
12 The problem for modern Marxists , however , is that the objective laws which Marx had developed to predict the way in which the capitalist system would develop do not seem to have fully explained what has happened in the twentieth century .
13 The modern ‘ clean break ’ approach has its roots in the nineteenth century which with varying degrees of application has continued throughout the twentieth century ( Triseliotis , 1989 ) .
14 The scribes he studies worked in the 14th century — 800 years after Dr Marchand 's Goths had relinquished Italy .
15 Power has alternated in the present century between civilian , military and coalition civilian-military governments , mostly involving the Liberal Party of Honduras ( Partido Liberal de Honduras — PLH ) or the conservative National Party ( Partido Nacional — PN ) .
16 One remarkable Hellenistic geared mechanism , however , has survived from the first century BC .
17 The beliefs which , he suggests , play this special role for us now include the belief that I have two hands , that men do not fly to the moon , that the sun is not a hole in the sky , that the earth has existed during the last century and that our hands do not disappear when we are not paying attention to them .
18 Hermitage has existed since the thirteenth century , standing within older earthworks .
19 Undoubtedly , the two interrelated movements — the democratic movement and the labour movement which developed so vigorously in the nineteenth century continue to have a major influence in politics , but the relation between them has changed during the present century , in a way which is also relevant to the character of more recent movements .
20 In this chapter we show first how the age structure of Britain 's population has changed during the twentieth century , and how it is likely to change in the century 's final years and beyond .
21 Whilst the form and degree of criticism has changed over the twentieth century , in essence it has remained the same , with similar international contrasts being drawn .
22 The aim of the project is to document and interpret the complex relationship between gender roles , family structures and marriage ceremonial and the ways each has changed in the twentieth century .
23 In England and Wales the relationship has held throughout the 20th century , and has been particularly strong in the last twenty years … .
24 erm Gibbon 's written in the eighteenth century .
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