Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the very [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A wealth of fascinating history lies within the very name of the Hundred House Hotel which refers to the ancient subdivisions of the shires of England into areas known as ‘ hundreds ’ .
2 The danger lies in the very distinction between signifier and signified , and for this reason Derrida prefers to use a concept like différance which , while preserving the Saussurean principle of the differential , is completely non-substantive and non-hierarchical .
3 During his campaign this personable single man , who lives in the very heart of the constituency in Guisborough , has appealed to Dr. Kumar and Mr Bates to stop ‘ the negative mudslinging ’ and take part in constructive political debate .
4 A key element here is ‘ the principle of bounded rationality ( which ) lies at the very core of organization theory , and at the core , as well , of any ‘ theory of action ’ that purports to treat of human behaviour in complex organizations ' ( Simon , 1957b , p. 200 ) .
5 But with stunning clarity they demonstrate again how the great reformer has unleashed forces which he and his country no longer control , and which now are playing on the German Question itself , the issue which lies at the very heart of today 's European order .
6 Cleopatra 's gradual development , from scheming flirt to a woman who finds herself deeply in love , lies at the very heart of the opera .
7 ‘ ... there is a resistance to identity which lies at the very heart of psychic life . ’
8 It is this conundrum that lies at the very heart of the Section 28 debate — not to mention Labour 's problems with it .
9 A feeling of failure lies at the very heart of Serb nationalism , and with that come all the various justifications for this failure : all the various Cominterns , masonries and their unbelievable plots .
10 The prime consideration should be the evaluation and use of evidence , which lies at the very heart of the historical method .
11 Local authorities were anxious to redevelop the area as soon as possible , as it lies at the very heart of the town 's commercial district .
12 This duty which every partner owes to each of his co-partners lies at the very heart of the partnership relationship .
13 By designating such materials as in varying degrees precious they have created symbols of excellence , a quality which stems from aesthetic awareness but the striving for which lies at the very root of the civilizations created by man .
14 ‘ The ideal milieu , ’ says the reply from the WCC , ‘ would be in a Third World country ( where ) the ‘ laboratory ’ for research lies at the very door-step of the academic institution .
15 This use of attire , stands by the very ordinance of God ; who , as he hath not sorted all men to all places , so he will have men to fitte themselves and their attire , to the qualitie of their proper places , to put a difference betweene themselves and others …
16 For de Man the opposition of subject and object is neither conflated nor maintained , neither resolved nor left in any kind of productive tension , and the persuasive force of his argument depends upon the very slippage between these two rationales .
17 It goes against the very nature of man today .
18 In the back of the car , Henrietta and Samantha made exaggerated vomiting sounds at the very thought of it , and Jacqueline joined enthusiastically in the pantomime .
19 The First is that period which recedes from the very beginning of life on earth and reaches far back into the unknowable depths of the timeless universe .
20 April does n't have to be a month of trials and tribulations or agonising over career or professional matters , if you are prepared to make some snap decisions and take what transpires towards the very end of March as a signal to go even further out on a limb .
21 Harman LJ agreed that no specification existed but in applying the object and intent test he said : … one must regard the contract as a whole , and this is a contract where a sales representative in South Lincolnshire serving a firm which , as appears from the very clause in question … is a corn and agricultural merchant and animal feeding stuffs manufacturer .
22 I do n't want to get it out of proportion with other great doctrines of the faith , but this subject goes to the very heart of the gospel and has radical implications for everyday life .
23 Providing an answer , in contrast , is not simple and the search for it goes to the very heart of the Verkehrsberuhigung concept .
24 I resume my explanation of the Bill , and this goes to the very heart of the issues raised by the two hon. Gentlemen .
25 The relationship between cash crops , particularly those for export , and subsistence crops for local consumption , has occasioned an intense and sometimes bitter debate that has been going on for decades , if not centuries , and goes to the very heart of the global capitalist system and its transnational contradictions .
26 Although this may seem to be a statement of the obvious , it is in fact a very important point which goes to the very roots of movie making .
27 It relates to the very distinction between standard and other effects , and depends on what that distinction grants , that we sometimes speak of decisions and the like as effects without supposing that they issue from causal circumstances , which by definition are necessitating circumstances .
28 During this whole period , conventional Christianity continued to occupy a central position in the lives of the great majority of English men and women of all ranks , except perhaps the vagrants and beggars at the very bottom of the social order .
29 Paradoxically , it dates from the very period in which Tristan was conceived ; in fact the Tristan drama itself was planned and its words written under Schopenhauerian influence — but influence of an ethical , rather than an aesthetic , kind .
30 A sense of well-being , of transformation and enlightenment , penetrates to the very marrow of his bones .
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