Example sentences of "[vb -s] [be] [vb pp] [prep] the past " in BNC.

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1 Next up the quality ladder is desktop publishing of which much has been written over the past two years .
2 At St Paul 's Cathedral , London , an average of 30 mm of Portland stone has been lost in the past 250 years , with , in one particularly exposed position , 22 mm being lost in just 45 years ( figure 4.20 ; Dudley et al. , 1985 ) .
3 One of these , PC-Hornet , which has been developed over the past 10 years , will be shown for the first time by McDonnell Douglas .
4 The engine has been developed over the past four years by engineers and designers at Vauxhall 's parent plant , General Motors .
5 The impression has been strengthened in the past few years that macro-economic developments and policies are now essentially international in character .
6 Much has been done in the past few months , but more needs to be done .
7 The change in the orbit of the earth is too slow to be observed , but this same effect has been observed over the past few years occurring in the system called PSR 1913+16 ( PSR stands for " pulsar , " a special type of neutron star that emits regular pulses of radio waves ) .
8 In view of the congestion on motorways and major trunk roads , do not those figures still fall short of what is necessary and desirable , despite the improvement that has been made in the past three years ?
9 The team has been restructured over the past few months .
10 The refuge has been supported for the past 18 years by the Swindon-based financial services group Allied Dunbar .
11 The constitution of the Federation , which has been formulated over the past two years , was agreed with twelve countries accepted into membership .
12 As we come to the end of this Parliament , will the Secretary of State take this opportunity to give us some insight into the Government 's long-term policy which has been formulated during the past 13 years ?
13 ‘ The separation has been achieved over the past year , but any contracting out of the providing side will be done slowly to retain stability .
14 In the first place it must be asked why , if this growing equality between spouses has been achieved over the past hundred or so years , has the militant feminist movement grown throughout the world during the 1960s and 1970s ?
15 This Government are committed to an effective policy of regional development , and I remind the hon. Member for Gateshead , East that much has been achieved over the past 10 years .
16 In these countries , a certain income equality has been achieved in the past 40 years , if one leaves aside the party privilegentsia , black-marketeers and writers or performers with access to foreign earnings .
17 All he can commit himself to is undoing everything that has been achieved in the past three years .
18 We must pay tribute also to the United Nations , which has been revitalised over the past 12 months and has started to play its part in trying to unravel and resolve the problems in Yugoslavia .
19 Now operated within Effect Products , this business is still considerable , with new opportunities arising in markets in the developing world , but the product range for sales in Western Europe has been broadened over the past 10 years or so with the development of more specialized products for use , for example , in carbonless copying paper .
20 The Lotus 1-2-3 range has been expanded in the past 12 months to include Windows , the Apple Mac , and a variety of Unix implementations .
21 The Adult Basic Education Unit at Darlington College of Technology has been funded for the past two years by a grant from the Department of Education and Science .
22 As the effects of calcium chloride continue to unravel , a new concrete ‘ disease ’ has been uncovered in the past year .
23 This results in the Collectair library gaining valuable notes , all of which is carefully filed away for use as and when the archive that has been created over the past few years becomes available to students of aviation history .
24 The crisis has been created over the past 10 years , and this is the second recession in which the building industry has been hit hard .
25 But though an enormous amount of material about such families has been accumulated over the past century , neither the social anthropologists nor the compilers of genealogical handbooks ( an aristocratic occupation ) have taken sufficient interest in them to make it easy to generalise with any confidence about such family groups .
26 Information on the effects of social work is frequently not systematically collected ; where a programme of research studies has been conducted over the past decade , it has often proved difficult to develop a co-ordinated body of knowledge which can be applied to future work .
27 The centre has been run for the past ten years by Richard Gill and his brother Jeff — they say that three quarters of their guests come as individuals though they are happy to take groups .
28 In France , fetal liver transplantation has been performed for the past 16 years , with encouraging , if preliminary , results .
29 But behind the make-up there still lies a razor sharp intellectual who has been quoted for the past several years as one of the top 100 lawyers in the US .
30 The firm 's market share in Italy 's public sector has been eroded over the past three years and he says Olivetti , unlike its principal European competitors ( Siemens-Nixdorf of Germany and Bull of France ) , has enjoyed no particular privileges in its home market .
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