Example sentences of "[was/were] just the sort [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And Lancaster was just the sort of geezer to know his solicitor 's telephone number off by heart .
2 This was just the sort of attitude the paper wanted — in another context it would have been a good news story .
3 But the Hank in his mind , the one who calmed him down and cheered him up and got him going in a sensible way — she was just the sort of fantasy mother you 'd make up if your own mother was too strong , too passionate , too overwhelming .
4 If the blasting of Bristol City is anything to go by the United fans are in for a high old time … a dazzling display from Chris Allen … two penalties from Jimmy Magilton … and first for Alex Dyer was just the sort of start that manager 's dream about …
5 If the blasting of Bristol City is anything to go by the United fans are in for a high old time … a dazzling display from Chris Allen … two penalties from Jimmy Magilton … and first for Alex Dyer was just the sort of start that manager 's dream about …
6 This was just the sort of thing Henry wanted to read .
7 It was just the sort of thing we had seen on Starsky and Hutch .
8 This was just the sort of thing — a secret service playing God — that usually had George registering y on the Richter Scale .
9 It was just the sort of thing the boys liked , and when Hilary had fetched their suppers — a cold Scotch egg each — from the kitchen , they all sat watching it .
10 But it sounded more like Hilda alone — it was just the sort of thing to appeal to Hilda 's sense of humour .
11 It was just the sort of thing that would amuse a man like that .
12 On the other hand , there were friends who thought that the Shaffer play was just the sort of thing that Kenneth Williams needed to do .
13 It was just the sort of match that cried out for some Cantona-like ambition .
14 It was just the sort of set-up that attracted Dustin , who had been itching to have more power over his films for some time .
15 ‘ Lucasta was just the sort of woman he used to like .
16 Earlier that morning Wexford had quoted Justice Shallow and now , as he contemplated Jolyon Vigo 's house , he thought that this was just the sort of place Shallow might have lived in .
17 Nyhavn , full of character and teeming with life , was just the sort of place that Suzie would love : two rows of picturesque houses flanking either side of a canal which was lined with old fishing boats , their tall masts and graceful rigging moving lazily as the light wind ruffled the water .
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