Example sentences of "[was/were] lay [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Special trains were laid on in the early days , bringing musicians , singers and visitors .
2 The foundations of modern archaeology were laid down in the 17th century , and throughout the 17th and 18th centuries emphasis was put on the recording of archaeological monuments , initially as part of general topographical works , but eventually as part of a study of the monuments themselves .
3 It is only fair to put on record , so that the student of war today can trace Trenchard 's early thinking , by recalling that the Harris war aircraft were laid down in the mid-thirties .
4 Its weakness was its technical conservatism ; although in 1880 the Admiralty agreed to reintroduce breechloading guns on heavy ships , the armoured cruisers Impérieuse and Warspite , which were laid down in the same year , were still designed to carry a full spread of sail .
5 The major features of local government in England and Wales were laid down by the 1835 Municipal Corporations Act and by three statutes at the end of the nineteenth century : the Local Government Acts of 1888 and 1894 , and the London Government Act , 1899 .
6 Their powers were laid down by the old Lunacy and Mental Deficiency Acts , which were concerned with the definition , ascertainment and committal of mentally disordered persons as well as with the administration of the services .
7 Once the railway company and the engineers had decreed where the station was in fact to be located , particularly the larger divisional points , 120–140 miles apart , towns were laid out on the traditional grid-plan .
8 By the time Richard and Murray were called to the headmaster 's study a sheaf of publications headlining the incident were laid out on the large drum table .
9 The gardens were laid out in the eighteenth century by a French landscape gardener for the then owner and founder , the first Conde de Carvalhal .
10 These high moorland stone-walled fields near Malham , West Yorkshire , were laid out in the eighteenth century .
11 They were laid out in the formal style 300 years ago by James II 's gardener , Guillaume Beaumont .
12 The formal gardens were laid out in the 18th century .
13 The brass shop was laid out with the rough brass stores on one side , whence the castings passed to the machines , thence to the benches , and from there to the polishers , next to the platers and finally to the lacquerers at the other side of the shop , each operation in turn bringing the parts further across the shop .
14 In 1749 for the first time a single system of tactics was laid down for the entire army , while in 1765 the Hofkriegsrath assumed the power to appoint to all ranks above that of captain and from 1776 an organized State military transport corps began to be built up .
15 Luke says that , in her case , the offering was laid down for the poor :
16 This demographic pattern was laid down in the first half of the century when the inter-war birth-rate declined markedly .
17 The standard of care expected of a doctor was laid down in the following case .
18 It was laid down in the 1991 Duopoly Review that it should not be allowed to offer entertainment until at least 1997 , when the situation will again be reviewed , and possibly for another three years after that .
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