Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] round [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fearful anticipation had proved somewhat worse than the event , and most Viennese were coming round to the opinion that , whatever the failings of Napoleon 's men , they were at least an improvement upon the Hapsburgs ' Russian allies , whom everyone loathed .
2 There was other Ramseys too , that lived further up the glen but they were taken round on the road way .
3 The biggest crime of all was to go round to the front of house or into the street in ‘ full slap ’ , as stage make-up was called .
4 I visited the workshops in 1947 and was shown round by the engineer , a Mr Rostron , who was the son of Captain Arthur Rostron , master of the liner Carpathia , who rescued the survivors from the Titanic .
5 Mrs Chalk was clattering round in the kitchen , and a savoury aroma was wafting from that region .
6 I was called to myself by the echoing hoot of the ferry 's siren , to find that the shop had emptied of its crowd , and the postmistress , taking off her spectacles , was hurrying round to the store counter to look after the stranger .
7 She 's not the one that was coming round with the baby ?
8 no , it was Michelle that was coming round with the baby
9 Now I do n't know how they managed this dear because she was coming round in the day with little Donna with her and I was around and there you are you see .
10 and I found two pairs of Michelle 's knickers after that , I did n't know what , now I do n't know how they manage this year because , she was coming round in the day with little Donna with her and I was around , there you are , you see , these , they , they will love and find a way , anyway , erm , I said dear look , a woman needs a man to support her I said mark my words when the chap that she 's got at the moment is taken her out to disco 's and things , she 'll find that he does n't really want to kick in and help to support her .
11 They had raised themselves but still remained crouched , and were moving slowly by the hedge towards the tree , when once again Martin 's attention was brought round to the strip of woodland , not by a noise this time , but by a strange feeling of impending danger .
12 There was also the night when I was buzzing round in the office car , making the routine late calls at the district police stations and ambulance headquarters in Cardiff , just before midnight .
13 One day the settee is opposite the door , the next it is where the telly was before it was swapped round with the nest of tables .
14 The Woman was sitting round to the right , beside a television , and as soon as she saw Tug she waved at a chair .
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