Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] the [adj] meeting " in BNC.

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1 The government , the ruling National Party ( NP ) ( which sent a separate delegation ) , the African National Congress ( ANC ) and the Inkatha Freedom Party were joined at the preparatory meeting by the Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) , the Democratic Party ( DP ) , the South African Communist Party , various other political parties , delegations from the 10 " homelands " or bantustans , and representatives of the Indian and Coloured communities .
2 The Chairman 's vice chairman 's and treasurer 's posts , not filled at the A.G.M. were filled at the first meeting of the new session 1991 — 1992 as follows ; Dr. A. J. Watson chairman ; G. W. Davidson , vice chairman and Mrs. P. Fisher , treasurer .
3 The Chairman 's vice chairman 's and treasurer 's posts , not filled at the A.G.M. were filled at the first meeting of the new session 1991–1992 as follows ; Dr. A. J. Watson chairman ; G. W. Davidson , vice chairman and Mrs. P. Fisher , treasurer .
4 Er , Chairman erm , I do believe that this has always been an issue erm of vested interests and bureaucracy administration but all I want to say to members of the council today as a member of the youth and community advisory committee is that extremely serious er far reaching decisions are gon na have to be taken because we were told at the last meeting of that sub committee that just to stand still because of the changes in legislation regarding transfer of funds to the er F E funding council , we will lose a further two million pounds next year so even if we er do not have to find any cuts within our own budget that money is going out of this authority 's budget it may come back in in commissioning agreements but because of the different timescale that the funding council works on we probably wo n't know that when we come to set our budget and really the issue for the Labour group I think in particular as councillor has said , is the question of budgetary control .
5 ‘ Now we 'll begin again , ’ said the CEO , ‘ and we will bury all the thinking we were doing in the last meeting and approach everything from a new angle .
6 These problems were discussed at the first meeting of the Montreal Protocol Parties in Helsinki in May 1989 .
7 The various points raised in your letter of 25 January were discussed at the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council .
8 We 've budgeted this year , er , for a maximum of six , but as Committee were informed at the last meeting , that number has exceeded during the year , erm , and that did create some financial difficulties , but that is the budget for specifically for six out-county placements , which not only do grown people in specialist er , accommodation such as secure accommodation , but also younger children with disabilities .
9 The Chief Officer said quite clearly last er last time that the decisions were decisions for members and members came up with a view last time that we should not remove that whole time crew from St Albans which was the one firm decision that was made at the last meeting and what Councillor is now suggesting that we should take out those twenty eight whole time fire fighters and then try and give us ten back if we 're lucky .
10 An extra £250,000 was approved by the first meeting of the South Tees Acute Hospitals Trust for North Riding Infirmary to convert an in-patient ward into a day ward .
11 Councillor Collinson is the owner of the local post office and general stores and it was agreed at the recent meeting of the Parish Council that this would be a good way of ensuring that the information pack was readily accessible by anyone wishing to consult it .
12 It was agreed at the regular meeting of the Council , today . "
13 It was agreed at the last meeting of the Parish Council to endorse this request .
14 Part 1 was deferred to the second meeting .
15 Consideration of rules and regulations was deferred to the next meeting .
16 The Lecture was followed by the Annual Meeting of Court , at which the Chancellor , in a novel ceremony , invited three members of Court to sign the Roll of Benefactors of the University in recognition of their outstanding support of the work of the University .
17 There being no progress to report , this matter was adjourned until the next Meeting .
18 Your letter of 26th June was discussed at the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council .
19 Erm not only will people have to travel a lot further for treatment , as was admitted at the public meeting erm last Monday , here in Harlow but er if people want to is maybe they 'll one or two less senior f the area committee authority they will have to travel to Witham or Colchester or whatever , by absolutely execrable public transport if they do n't drive a motor car to actually attend those meetings and that 's not democratic or accountable either !
20 I think what we will do , erm certainly a lot of concern was expressed at the last meeting that this er forum should should die er but I do n't think it will I think it is very simple , to set aside one meeting a year , devote it to cycles and invite the same people who have coming from the party .
21 The quality and quantity of pupils ' work was questioned at the fourth meeting .
22 Erm , actually that was mentioned at the open meeting , was n't it ?
23 . We have actually erm got a number of leaflets and brochures on play equipment but erm as was mentioned at the last meeting I was going to get together with David and the clerk to discuss future plans for play equipment but we have n't actually had a meeting yet cos we 're still getting information from various reps and playground equipment companies and erm we 'll leave that item for now .
24 My first real task was to prepare for the next meeting of the Accidents Investigation Division of ICAO in Montreal .
25 It was suggested at the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council that I send you a copy of the objections made by the Parish Council to the siting of a communication mast on land off Higher Lane , Scorton .
26 The remit with regard to the er one day seminar , it was suggested at the last meeting er that it would be useful if the activists of the free union actually got together held a one day seminar or training course whatever terminology you like to put on it er to actually educate ourselves on how we should be conducting the campaign basically .
27 In an unexpected encounter , South African President F. W. de Klerk held 90 minutes of talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze in what was described as the highest-level meeting ever held between their two governments .
28 Yet what was striking about the open meeting to discuss the plan that was held on May 25th in London 's Albert Hall was the names ' total loss of confidence in Lloyd 's leadership .
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