Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] at [art] beginning of " in BNC.

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1 There are other ways of marking it , but it would always be explained at the beginning of a textbook or dictionary which system is used .
2 Since this practice is not yet by any means universal , and the player may not have come across it before , a note of explanation should be given at the beginning of the part , otherwise the asterisk will cause the player to look for a footnote at the bottom of the page .
3 Some were cheered , however , by the news that thanks to lobbying by a group concerned with problems of underdevelopment , ‘ Schema 17 ’ , which treated of the Church and poverty , would be placed at the beginning of session three , to be introduced as soon as the debate on the Church had been completed .
4 The strength which seemed to be stressed at the beginning of the campaign was his niceness .
5 So this survey might have to be done at the beginning of April .
6 This unifying issue can be presented at the beginning of the drama or at a later stage , after the children have taken on roles and started on small group work .
7 A written submission has to be lodged at the beginning of October with oral hearings by the Select Committee at a later date .
8 I apologize for the urgency on this , but to get it through to the Department of the Environment it has to be lodged at the beginning of February and then up to then by by March .
9 The release torque should be measured at the beginning of the test , and whenever a container is opened throughout the whole period of the test .
10 The workbook should be distributed at the beginning of the weekday , together with the aims and objectives for the shop .
11 Among the Kimberley tribes the snakes are called Unguds , the word ‘ Ungud ’ being applied primarily to a life principle or a ‘ vital force ’ , and the natives believe that the Wandjina and Ungud paintings must be restored at the beginning of the wet season to ensure that rain will fall and fertilization proceed .
12 Entries in this year 's competition , ( closing date October 26 ) are due to be judged at the beginning of November .
13 The origins of trade unions are to be found at the beginning of the nineteenth century and are a response to the rapid process of industrialisation and the change and dislocation which this caused .
14 In the Bordelais , eight castellan families were to be found at the beginning of the twelfth century , but their number had grown to twenty-four by 1294 .
15 A very simple and beautiful example of the use of substitution notes may be found at the beginning of Wagner 's Tristan und Isolde : Here the commonplace cadence A minor-F7-E7 is given a subtle mystery through the use of a few substitution notes as follows : in bar 2 , G is a chromatic substitution for A ( on which it resolves ) , while B is a diatonic substitution for A or C , on which it does not resolve ; in bar 3 , A substitutes chromatically for B , on which it resolves .
16 One of the important changes proposed by the Report was that the total amount of money for public sector higher education be earmarked at the beginning of each financial year .
17 First , you time the length of the material to be trimmed at the beginning of the shot , and subtract from it the amount of the backspace ; this shorter length is then the point at which you set the tape early for the edit-in .
18 All bonds with current yields exceeding the money market rate of 10 per cent would be delivered at the end of June ( i.e. in 90 days from 1 April ) , otherwise they would be delivered at the beginning of June ( i.e. in 61 days from 1 April ) .
19 Three packages dealing with uses of steel in architecture , sponsored by British Steel , are to be published at the beginning of 1993 .
20 Decisions are due to be taken soon so that a white paper can be published at the beginning of June .
21 At least one member of a party of four must be on a list of persons who have attended a formal safety briefing which will be held at the beginning of each year .
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