Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] at an [adj] stage " in BNC.

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1 This inspection should then be repeated every ten years so that remedial treatment can be undertaken at an early stage if rotting is detected .
2 11.4 In cases of severe disturbance or potential violence , consideration must be given at an early stage to involving the police .
3 If high grade dysplasia or arcinoma is detected the patient can be treated at an early stage .
4 These fundamental initial considerations or ‘ building blocks ’ ( developed by Roy Nicholson ) are applicable to all valuation engagements and enable a skeleton of the valuation to be developed at an early stage :
5 Obviously all age-groups are arbitrary ; the point being made here is that the actual divisions used should be chosen for their usefulness in classifying people for the purposes of the research being undertaken , and this decision should be considered at an early stage .
6 The question of whether the proposed disposal is in the best interests of the client and when the business should best be sold should be addressed at an early stage .
7 Adjustment can then be made at an early stage before it is too late .
8 Challenges on this ground can be made at an earlier stage in the reference by a construction summons , which is a procedure by which a party who disputes the meaning of a document can apply to the court for a ruling .
9 If those authorities were negligent or in any way in breach of duty , it is important that that fact should be uncovered at an early stage .
10 They should be instructed at an early stage , and informed promptly of developments .
11 It is not a conflict which will lead inevitably to problems , but it should be recognised at an early stage and rectified by the Government .
12 ( d ) Offices and employments As a matter of prudence , agreement should be reached at an early stage in the life of any firm whose partners , or some of them , are likely to find themselves appointed to some professional or public office as to : ( 1 ) whether remuneration from such offices should in principle be accounted for as part of the profits of the firm ( Clause 10.06 ) ; and ( 2 ) the amount of time any partner should be permitted to devote to such activities ( before his profit share suffers some downward adjustment ) .
13 Counselling , the provision of positive role models and other techniques may be introduced at an early stage .
14 The advantages of early identification are that the patient can co-operate in decisions , and support services can be introduced at an early stage .
15 If Labour come to power we have been promised that access to the countryside for canoeists and ramblers will be reviewed at an early stage .
16 If the new product is similar to one already in production , costs may be estimated at an early stage of design with adequate accuracy by discussion with the manufacturing department .
17 They can give early warning of stability problems and enable the corrective action to be taken at an early stage and thus save time and development resource .
18 In the event that the defender contends that the case is not appropriate for the Optional Procedure , argument to that effect can be made , but insofar as the Diet Roll will be heard approximately eight weeks after service of the Summons , a decision as to how to proceed will require to be taken at an early stage .
19 There is a further variation on the above procedure , which is that under section 2 of the 1936 Act steps can be taken at an early stage on grounds of the novelty and importance of the order , or because it deals with matters outside Scotland , to convert the order into a substituted Bill , in which case it goes through both Houses as a Bill and is not dealt with under the standard 1936 procedure .
20 The myth that governors are all ‘ uninformed lay people ’ should be dispelled at an early stage .
21 The attitude of the family has implications for the style of initial assessment carried out by the psychiatrist ; if the psychiatrist realises from the outset that other agencies are involved then consent of the family for reports may be obtained at an early stage .
22 The scheduling of payments should also be covered at an early stage .
23 In other chairs the arm is integral to the front and back legs , and must be fitted at an earlier stage .
24 The various parties involved in the peace process had tended to ignore the issue , working on the assumption that it could only be tackled at an advanced stage of a settlement .
25 Thus unacceptable strings could be rejected at an earlier stage , leaving fewer for the lexical look-up to check .
26 The takeover team should be assembled at an early stage .
27 The practitioners are still largely in the state of new recruits to any government 's army , who will be required at an early stage to learn by rote the names of the standard machine-gun issue .
28 If the make-up of the device is not appropriate to its application then it must be changed at an early stage .
29 Whenever child abuse is suspected , a conference will be held at an early stage in the investigation and decision-making processes .
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