Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] the un [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The British attitude was that American troops should remain pending the completion of the UN task in supervising elections ; the change of policy away from the Moscow agreement , which Britain had so far supported , would be justified in the UN debate on the grounds that the assumptions on future developments at Moscow had proved erroneous and the only course of action now was to appoint a UN temporary commission .
2 Le Monde reported on Oct. 1 that the dispute was likely to be placed before the UN Security Council during October , while France held the presidency at the Security Council .
3 These targets are due to be set during negotiations for a " sulphur protocol " to be added to the UN Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution .
4 A UK Foreign Office official stated that an additional £250,000 ( approximately $400,000 ) had been allocated to Cambodia , to be channelled through the UN Children 's Fund ( UNICEF ) .
5 The claim is to be presented to the UN Compensation Commission , but the commission " set up after the war to co-ordinate claims against Iraq " has few funds at its disposal .
6 The extra contingents would come mainly from France , the United Kingdom and Canada , and their cost would not be borne by the UN budget .
7 This petition will be delivered to the UN Secretary General , Javier Perez de Cuellar , at the 1992 United Nations conference on environment and development , to be held in Brazil .
8 In protest , France closed its southern border and proposed that the situation in Spain be discussed in the UN Security Council .
9 The declaration concluded that " an international peacekeeping force under UN auspices may be created by the UN Security Council to maintain the ceasefire , control military movements and undertake other confidence-building measures " .
10 A note at the bottom of one document signed by a department official said : ‘ These tools will be banned by the UN arms embargo when it comes into force .
11 The result is , however , that the termination of the war , and the construction of the peace , will also involve much wider considerations than seemed to be implied by the UN resolutions .
12 On Nov. 14 Resolution 44/410 fixed the date of the session , to be held at the UN headquarters in New York , for Feb. 20-23 1990 .
13 The unit , to be attached to the UN Centre for Urgent Environment Assistance , is not expected to become operational before 1994 .
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