Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] long term " in BNC.

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1 Acyclovir may be given on a long term basis to people with HIV who have had an attack of shingles , or have frequent attacks of herpes simplex .
2 And this states erm that Its effectiveness erm must be must be considered as a long term rather than a short term objective .
3 Strict glycaemic control by using portable insulin pumps can arrest progression towards diabetic nephropathy , but this method 's safety must be considered in the long term .
4 As he said , it makes some criticism of the European dimension , but in paragraph 8 headed ’ Europe ’ it also says : ’ While local government structure in the UK can not be determined by the nature of European structural funds and the case for regional authorities with power over service delivery has not been made out , the European dimension must nonetheless be considered in the longer term . ’
5 They 're not always to be trusted in the long term , you know . ’
6 Sixth , there had been a very close bond established between the children which the justices felt very strongly should be preserved in the long term .
7 Exceptional victories by the youth XV , the U19s and U21s in recent times will be reflected in the long term .
8 Such enterprises will , however , need to be expanded if the environment and the population are to be protected in the longer term .
9 Our efforts will be judged in the long term by our success with children who are already in ordinary schools but whose needs are not being met , for whatever reason .
10 Answer guide : The shortage of resources , although an effective short-term constraint , can invariably be overcome in the long term as the firm can take action to eliminate the constraint .
11 There is no fixed investment period for a PEP although , to get the full benefit , it should be viewed as a longer term investment , ideally for a minimum period of between 5 and 10 years .
12 But whatever it is we decide to do , it must be continued in the long term .
13 It seemed plausible that demand management could be continued in the longer term in peacetime , and it fitted in with many of Labour 's goals .
14 This aid would also have to be continued in the longer term in order to totally eradicate certain diseases .
15 This also enables any eventual profit to be kept in the long term , avoiding the problem that if it is retained , any eventual surplus would have to go back to the borrower .
16 The results will be implemented in a long term interpretation programme for the Park , a programme which hopefully will be adopted elsewhere .
17 First , bodies should determine a set of reasonable objectives to be achieved in the longer term , say over three to four years , for each of their areas of activity .
18 The hon. Gentleman knows that I believe that the Iraqi people will be safeguarded for the long term and enable the international community to give long-term development aid to that country only when Saddam Hussein is no longer at the helm in Baghdad .
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