Example sentences of "[be] [verb] at [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 In the rather broader context of a graduated test scheme , evidence of mastery would be needed so that ( i ) a pupil 's achievements could be informatively reported ( e.g. for certification ) , and ( ii ) to indicate readiness for further learning to be undertaken at the next level of a scheme .
2 ‘ A national ambition that can only be realised at the European level . ’
3 The position is expected to be filled at the professorial level , but in the event that there is no candidate with sufficient experience for appointment to the Chair , the position will be offered at Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer level .
4 Public law cases may be transferred up , down and across the court system where this will avoid delay , facilitate consolidation or allow the case to be heard at an appropriate level .
5 In the hierarchy of Community legal texts to which I have alluded , the founding treaties may thus be placed at the highest level , in a position comparable to that of a written national constitution .
6 The compensation should be arranged at a European level , because sediment washed from the UK 's east coast can end up strengthening natural sea defences in Belgium , the Netherlands and Germany .
7 If the matter really can not be resolved at an informal level , then it should be formally communicated in writing to the person in charge of the activity .
8 11 , has been a source of problems which perhaps have yet to be resolved at the highest level .
9 Spending would be frozen at the current level of BF99,000 million ( about US$3,240 million ) until 1995 .
10 We believe that your acquisition money should be frozen at the 1984 level . ’
11 That God is personal by being tri-personal , they would say , means that in God the activity which at the human level must be divided between separate individual selves can be contained at the divine level within one being .
12 In some situations holiday arrangements might be organised at a lower level in the organisation , particularly in specialist areas , such as operating theatres , where interchange of staff between departments is less easy .
13 An increase in earnings will lead to a reduction in both benefit and child support and so lone mothers will tend to be trapped at a low level of income .
14 Moreover , if the goals of breadth and balance are to be achieved in the classroom they must be pursued at every other level of the system as well .
15 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
16 The decisions will be made at the appropriate level by those who have a stake in them .
17 We must implement the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ , that decisions should be made at the appropriate level whether that is local , regional , national or European .
18 The appointment will be made at the A7/A8 level ( Lecturer ) .
19 Nonetheless certain advances can be made at the national level , and given that politics and governmental power are still largely national in scope certain advances must be made at that level if they are to be made at all .
20 The partner in charge of several project engineers , however , will be looking at a coarser level of cost increment ( say £5000 ) in controlling and monitoring the performance of his or her group of engineers .
21 The words are there in in the bi in the relevant P P G but I 'm sure you 're you 're familiar with them , er this is very much an issue which falls to be decided at the strategic level .
22 We recognise that the bulk of actual recruitment spade work will be done at a local level , but , apart from a few heroic efforts , the branches were not up to it .
23 She must protect her markets , and thus any control lost at the national level must be reimposed at the European level .
24 They say cider should be taxed at the same level as wine .
25 " An increase is long overdue and would assist materially when the care for the deaf has to be presented at the top level , " is a lament from the BDDA 's annual report for the year 1954 .
26 But the implication that Mr is that this is not a criterion which can effectively be operated at the strategic level .
27 However , though the only currently practicable approach to identifying rural deprivation was an area based one and although it has been possible to make some sense of census data for rural areas , they still concluded , in line with Knox and Cottam , that it would be far better if the analysis could be performed at the individual level .
28 Given our lack of knowledge of both how circuitry in the brain actually works and how visual perception may be mediated at the neural level , this state of affairs is scarcely surprising .
29 Both Detective Sergeant Window and PC Hall are brave men who deserve to be commended at the highest level .
30 One justification often advanced for local government is the opportunity thus presented for wider sections of the population to become involved in political responsibilities than could be accommodated at a national level .
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