Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] longer [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Also , employers are constantly employing new staff so the return on selection has to be calculated over a longer period of time to get a true picture of the effects of selection methods .
2 As he said , it makes some criticism of the European dimension , but in paragraph 8 headed ’ Europe ’ it also says : ’ While local government structure in the UK can not be determined by the nature of European structural funds and the case for regional authorities with power over service delivery has not been made out , the European dimension must nonetheless be considered in the longer term . ’
3 For a start , it allows spreading to be carried over a longer period during the winter months ( Table 1 ) .
4 Corners can be cut on flowers and remember , the flowers at the reception are going to be seen for a longer time than those in the church .
5 This increase , however , needs to be seen in a longer time-scale .
6 Fuller justice to these topics , as well as the ape language experiments and various glottogonic theories , is to be done in a longer study . )
7 Although Wilson was undoubtedly sympathetic to the WEA he left East Suffolk on appointment as Secretary for Education in Shropshire and was succeeded by Leslie Missen who , at that time , knew little about the WEA and the discussions with the LEA had to be framed within a longer time-scale than Jacques had originally planned .
8 A behavioural response is strengthened when it has an increased probability of occurring ( frequency ) or when it is likely to be performed for a longer period of time ( duration ) .
9 Does my hon. Friend agree that when such councils involve constitutional amendments to the treaty as well as , as always , substantial business for the Heads of Government to transact , some new formula should be produced whereby meetings could be scheduled for a longer period ?
10 Such enterprises will , however , need to be expanded if the environment and the population are to be protected in the longer term .
11 The run-down was to be stretched over a longer period and the agreed strength raised from Sandys ’ proposed 45,000 to 55,000 .
12 However , if there are further operations requiring less secondary information , then another instruction format can be provided with a longer operation code field .
13 However much Labour may talk about public expenditure , it normally makes such a mess of the economy that there is little benefit to be found in the longer run .
14 There is no fixed investment period for a PEP although , to get the full benefit , it should be viewed as a longer term investment , ideally for a minimum period of between 5 and 10 years .
15 Capital allowances deducted from the taxable income may be higher in the early years ( and therefore lower in the later years ) thin book depreciation , which may be charged over a longer period .
16 It seemed plausible that demand management could be continued in the longer term in peacetime , and it fitted in with many of Labour 's goals .
17 This aid would also have to be continued in the longer term in order to totally eradicate certain diseases .
18 An additional incentive is that a garden , in contrast to its associated historic building , does not always need substantial sums for major fabric repairs at the outset and can be revived over a longer period of time .
19 But obviously a place not already converted would cost less initially , and the price of rebuilding would be spread over a longer period .
20 It faced substantial protests , however , from water suppliers , notably in the UK ( see pp. 36903 ; 37159 ) and in West Germany , who objected that the massive costs involved would need to be spread over a longer period .
21 Debt due for repayment within two years could be paid within five years , and debt due to be repaid over a longer period could be paid within eight years .
22 The dominance of studies on modern processes in the field of geomorphological methods needs to be balanced by the longer perspective that falls traditionally within the area of Quaternary geology and geomorphology …
23 First , bodies should determine a set of reasonable objectives to be achieved in the longer term , say over three to four years , for each of their areas of activity .
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