Example sentences of "[that] goes [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This sort of economic and social domination that goes on across the whole family .
2 ‘ We will obviously monitor everything that goes on over the next 12 months ’ , he says ‘ We can only hope that when we do our assessments of need we can support that need with the finances we 've been given .
3 erm There 's probably two-thirds of the logging that goes on in the tropical forest , which is about 5 million hectares a year erm is of that nature , so that the forest is left to recover after the logging has gone through .
4 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
5 So we see that if you have a school that goes up to the ninth grade , the Ministry covers the costs up to the sixth grade but the other years are paid for by parents .
6 And at the same time , and slightly in contradiction to that , I found it increasing erm , er , perception and indication of dissatisfaction with the way in which the joint er , collaborative structures were actually working , if I may say , especially at the top level in terms of the political erm erm , so I say to you colleagues , that you are required as er , by statute to , to have in place collaborative structures , er , under a statute that goes back to the nineteen seventies , and I should also say to you that up and down the country that authorities like your own are at this stage doing what you 're doing , and that is reviewing the effectiveness of the operation of those structures , and probably coming to much the same conclusions .
7 The part to go is the Business Systems line of Motorola Inc 68000- and Intel Corp iAPX-86-based Unix machines that are the direct successors to Texas 's old TI 980 and TI 990 minicomputer business that goes back to the early 1970s .
8 Jacobson 's rehabilitation of Cain is in a literary tradition that goes back to the Romantic poets , who identified with Cain as an outsider .
9 Oh yes , I was gon na say , I think convincing is is another word that goes along with the general ambience of what influencing is about .
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