Example sentences of "[not/n't] easily be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 New research into the underlying duodenal mucosal defect is required and since the basic science of duodenal ulcer can not easily be studied in man , an animal model of chronic duodenal ulcer is required .
2 Another problem arose in 1916 , which can not easily be explained without reference to the proposed ‘ Home Rule ’ in Ireland that had developed under the government of Asquith which introduced the Home Rule Act 1914 .
3 What has come to his rescue is an altogether subtler kind of ideas and information-limitation whose effectiveness is , if anything , enhanced by the fact that it can not easily be explained in terms of conspiracies and blunt propaganda .
4 Secondly , different countries have different needs and tastes which can not easily be taken into account in making comparisons .
5 While the regional value of whisky exports can not easily be gauged with accuracy in view of the complex nature of the industry it is interesting nevertheless to attempt an assessment of its impact .
6 Once the vegetational cover of the hard schists was destroyed they could not easily be restored to cultivation .
7 Right-wingers in Shamir 's Cabinet were understood to regard the pace of settlement building in the occupied territories as crucial in creating facts on the ground which could not easily be eliminated by developments at the diplomatic level [ see also p. 38550 ] .
8 Acceptance of mystery — taking it for granted that the spirit is beyond our total comprehension , that this dimension can not easily be put into words , or expressed adequately in any art form .
9 We will not easily be put off course but if we are we can use the kayak tilt or rudder to maintain the line without needing the paddle to steer .
10 In the presence of perfect capital markets and suitably inclusive definitions , wealth would simply be the discounted present value of all future income streams ( i.e. including those that might not easily be measured in money terms ) .
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