Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [prep] the present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This issue does not arise in the present case .
2 Some of these plate boundary configurations and stages of development are largely conjectural since clear examples do not exist at the present day .
3 Agree that Practice Rule 15 be not amended at the present time .
4 In the present study , the noun-noun combination does not produce any more reliable plural continuations than does the name-name combination , so such a contrast mechanism is not operating in the present study .
5 Which would be slightly down on er the number that we got in last year , erm , the next factor , erm , is not as yet a fact but is almost a certainty , that , er , all , we will not succeed on the present basis in persuading D O E that we should have any increase in t to reflect er er an increase in work , and next year we 're anticipating getting in effect a stand still budget .
6 They resolved that , if the money was now obtainable , it should be applied to assist the funds of the journal designated at that time the Veterinary Record ( not connected with the present journal of that name ) which was edited by professors of the College .
7 In eight patients , there were other benign tumours within the resection specimen — that is , tubular adenomas or tubulovillous adenomas ; these tumours were not sampled during the present study , while one patient had two separate , synchronous primary tumours ( in the left colon and transverse colon ) .
8 Those not teaching at the present time are welcome to attend on a daily basis at £2 per session .
9 But any apparent acceptance of the interim government by the United Nations and other international organisations and states does not suffice in the present case to demonstrate that the interim government is the Government of the Republic of Somalia .
10 This reasoning can not apply to the present case .
11 This reasoning also does not apply to the present case .
12 Aylwin stated that this did not apply to the present Chief of the Armed Forces , Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , the former dictator , who was not due to retire until 1998 , but that it would " re-establish to future presidents of Chile a power which they would not wish to be denied " .
13 In those circumstances , the judge held that the provisions in the legislation of 1985 did not apply in the present case which continued to be governed by the Act of 1957 .
14 The Act of 1976 does not apply in the present case as Tina Burton was born disabled on 26 April 1967 and Christopher De Martell was born disabled on 5 February 1967 .
15 Agree that charges for the Remuneration Certificate service be not introduced at the present time .
16 But the ordinary and correct course was not followed in the present case , with the unfortunate results that the case itself demonstrates .
17 The precise mechanism of enalapril 's antialbuminuric effects is not elucidated by the present study .
18 The early impression that the virus was of prime aetiological significance in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis is not supported by the present prevalence ; the absence of a better outlook in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis patients ( with cytomegalovirus ) treated with foscarnet compared with untreated patients in consistent with the conclusion that it is unlikely to be important .
19 It 's not united at the present day , there are far too many lefts and rights and centres .
20 Two other plans , not activated in the present dispute , were also drawn up .
21 and the insurance do not come into the present argument .
22 I quote the following from that summary , but for the sake of brevity I omit some of the references to authority and the elaboration of point ( 3 ) and the whole of point ( 4 ) , which seem to me not to assist in the present case :
23 The services should not operate under the present system , which is a blight on the industry .
24 Disease free mucosa from cancer patients was not studied in the present investigation because of the technical difficulty of taking a second biopsy after the tumour had been removed .
25 And even an enthusiast like her admits that the growth in converts to her cause can not continue at the present rate .
26 Most of these are rather old , and do n't relate to the present Plate Tectonic picture , but rather to the situation ten or twenty million years ago .
27 I 'm your man , as you all know , but I have to tell you , my friends , that the bosses ca n't lose in the present situation .
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