Example sentences of "[is] capable [prep] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore the term register is sometimes used to refer to any device which holds a group of one or more bits of information , and which is capable of being accessed at electronic speeds : in this book we use it only for storage devices provided for some special purpose ( such as the SAR ) , and do not apply it to a general store location .
2 Preparation of an internal control questionnaire in which the auditor devises a series of questions to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a system and to test whether an objective of control is capable of being met by the system .
3 If a question is capable of being answered in a sentence , answer it immediately in that sentence and proceed to explanation afterwards .
4 If this does occur , then the Act will be seen to have been part of a ‘ softening-up ’ exercise , creating the conditions within which abolition of the right is capable of being presented as an inevitable rationalization , without actually tackling it directly .
5 Freud 's theory of the super-ego concentrates on the ways in which the evaluative symbols are internalized by members of the society , and as such is capable of being integrated into action theory .
6 But we can at least aim at a code that is capable of being understood by a person of average intelligence and of being understood and applied from the four corners of the document that he is directed to consult .
7 Curiously enough , it appears that there is no question at all which fits the adjective of a sentence like ( 59 ) closely , so that one must fall back on a metalinguistic one such as ( 60 ) : ( 59 ) the sharks remain dangerous ( 60 ) what did you say about the sharks ? 5.7 Since the property of the postverbal is one which the speaker deliberately chooses to clothe in the guise of an adjective rather than an adverb , it must , as we have already remarked , be one which is capable of being ascribed to the referential locus of the subject phrase .
8 This green paper is capable of being commented on , by this sub-committee through , our normal channel would be the A C C. It does n't contain a lot of detail , it is a matter of principle , and er , hopes and aspirations .
9 Thus , supposedly , nothing can be admitted to our writings unless it is capable of being checked by the reader , either via the presentation of original data and a methods section or through reference to other work which upholds similar standards .
10 It requires no physical assistance or material aid , and is capable of being exercised by men , women and children .
11 The power to introduce executive detention remains on the statute book and is capable of being exercised by the Government .
12 In my judgment the principle established by the authorities to which I have referred ( other than the Manchester Corporation case [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ) is that any corporation , whether trading or non-trading , which can show that it has a corporate reputation ( as distinct from that of its members ) which is capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , can sue in libel to protect that reputation , in the same way as can a natural person , although there will of course be certain types of statement which can not defame an artificial person .
13 These are only two examples of cases where it should be possible for a non-trading corporation , which asserts that its reputation is capable of being damaged by the defamatory statement , to sue for libel .
14 RNA is capable of being replicated in a similar way to DNA .
15 The second principle is that only information which is known to be reasonably accurate and which is capable of being maintained in a reasonably accurate state should be stored within the system .
16 The acquisition of the share capital of a private company which is not widely held and is capable of being concluded by private contract will often be considered for a dispensation .
17 Thus a seminar , in which a number of speakers exchange ideas and information , is still a one-to-many mapping , because only one idea at a time is capable of being absorbed by each individual recipient .
18 The short judgments proceed on the simple ground that the sheriff was not entitled to retain sums which he had no legal right to demand , but the sums were demanded in return for the rendering of a service , namely the issuing of warrants , so the case is capable of being rationalised on the basis that they were exacted colore officii , a concept which emerged more clearly in later cases .
19 An ‘ idea-meme ’ might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another .
20 ‘ It is ordered that in the interim and an injunction is hereby granted ordering that in the events ( i ) that the medical condition of [ J. ] changes in such a way that his life is threatened but is capable of being prolonged by the application to him of intensive therapeutic measures including artificial ventilation , and ( ii ) that he is at that time in the care of the …
21 But whatever definition one accepts , let us agree that there are such categories , and for the purpose of this work I shall define productive labour as being : labour which is exchanged with capital and produces a surplus-value , a surplus-value moreover which is embodied in material commodities , the form of which is capable of being used as capital for the reproduction and extension of capital .
22 Man 's essential Self or Ātman , is the imperishable and eternal soul , and ahi sā is the power of the soul ; it is the soul force which is capable of being practised by everyone and not simply by the cloistered few .
23 Presumably this must be because , unlike the war-tax protesters , they do succumb to a competing individual right which is capable of being derived from the principle of equal concern and respect .
24 The judge having reviewed the relevant authorities said that a contract which contains an unenforceable provision nevertheless remains effective after removal of the severance of that provision if the following conditions are satisfied : ( a ) The enenforceable provision is capable of being removed without the necessity of adding to or modifying the wording of what remains .
25 R&D is such a system and is capable of being described to a useful extent in catastrophe terms .
26 In particular it is important to note whether the sets are open sets ( like the set of all nouns which is capable of being added to indefinitely ) or closed sets ( like the set of demonstratives ) .
27 There are transitional thinkers — those who soon make the conceptual transition from the concrete to the more abstract form of the problem — one that is capable of being solved by a combination of multiplication and addition .
28 The design we are going to talk about is a DIY design in that , apart from a 555 timer and 4001 NOR gate chip , discretes are used to carry out the various circuit operations and the system is capable of being modified for those who like a starting point and then like to experiment .
29 Assuming that Dworkin 's rights thesis is capable of being modified along the lines proposed , is it possible to identify any strategies — long-term , medium-range and short-term strategies — which could be expected to contribute toward the realisation of an expanded right of equal concern and respect ?
30 Much will depend upon the circumstances of the disclosure , the nature of the information itself and even whether it is capable of being protected by an implied obligation .
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