Example sentences of "[is] [adv] the sort [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not that it 's impossible — indeed , it 's rather the sort of thing Oliver might do — but I 've somehow stopped believing most of what he says .
2 that 's basically the sort of revelation is n't it ?
3 ‘ It 's exactly the sort of stuff I as a historian would love to read about a period , ’ Mr Clark says modestly of his own offering .
4 You would n't let a thief tow away your home — but that 's exactly the sort of invitation you give a criminal if your caravan is n't secured !
5 In the end support staff act as information switches and this is exactly the sort of function that can be taken over by electronic data processing .
6 Dr Mawhinney told MPs in a Commons written reply : ‘ This impressive contribution from GPs and their practice teams is exactly the sort of response we are looking for to take forward our plans to improve the nation 's health . ’
7 But the assumption that speech is primary and superior is exactly the sort of leap made when literary discourse is scoured for authorial intention ; the personal voice is expected to validate the description of experience .
8 It is exactly the sort of corkscrew I always use but the room was so dark and I so flurried that I drove it in sideways and broke the cork .
9 I shall certainly look at that , but this is exactly the sort of issue in which I do not want us to get involved .
10 But this is exactly the sort of attitude that has forced RAF pilots to take on the most terrifying assignments and attack runways and hardened aircraft shelters ( built with British expertise ) , to be fired on by Soviet missiles or Soviet antiaircraft guns , or face the threat of German-developed chemical warfare or French Exocet missiles .
11 3 ( a ) Possession is exactly the sort of book that deserves to win the Booker Prize .
12 ( b ) Possession is exactly the sort of book you 'd expect to win the Booker Prize .
13 It is a place of calm and classical beauty : I am afraid it is exactly the sort of place for which one must long most desperately when out of Greece .
14 And Hong Kong is not the sort of story likely to have the traditional happy ending .
15 Warlow pointed out , quite correctly , that this is not the sort of inversion we should be looking at : if the Earth flipped over in this way the Sun would still rise in the east , whereas there are legends that , before the ( undescribed ) catastrophe , the Sun rose in the west , and that it is only since that catastrophe that the Sun has risen in the east .
16 Cool-headed and light-hearted about life , Zeelenberg is not the sort of man to have been worried by the doubters .
17 But then Paul is not the sort of man to talk about his private life at work .
18 He is not the sort of man you wait to see what he will do to you .
19 A niece of the former Labour minister Douglas Jay and first cousin of Peter Jay , the former British ambassador in Washington who is now the BBC 's economics editor , her ratings went up in certain quarters when she once said of Mrs Thatcher : ‘ She is not the sort of person one would invite to dinner . ’
20 He is not the sort of person who sits on the sidelines giving instructions .
21 He is not the sort of child usually considered open to the notion of writing , reading , or listening to poetry . )
22 That is not the sort of society that I would wish to belong to .
23 But tossed about by a cruel world , Iris is not the sort of girl who quietly puts up with her destiny — just as the flower beneath which she reads for a moment , while a woman 's revenge wreaks horrible havoc in the final minutes , is not just an ordinary cactus .
24 This is not the sort of publicity they enjoy .
25 I suppose there is not the sort of money around that we would want . ’
26 Certainly , this is not the sort of behaviour that modern judges have in mind when they refer to young thugs as behaving ‘ like animals ’ .
27 By way of preparation for this Friday the 13th escapade somebody handed over A Dictionary of Superstitions , which is not the sort of inspiration one needs .
28 It took about a year to organize , partly because the idea blossomed in the summer , too late for that year ; it is not the sort of place to go cycling in the winter .
29 ‘ T is not the sort of place you are used to , and we still have to get there .
30 This is not the sort of statement you 'd expect from a man who won the Boardman-Tasker Award and the NCR ( National Cash Registers ) non-fiction prize with his first book .
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